The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 750 1 Imperial Decree

Chapter 750 An Imperial Decree ([-])
The emperor took everyone's expressions into his eyes, and said coldly: "Now you know why I put King Ping in the prison?"

All the ministers: "..."

"Why don't you talk?" The emperor's face turned cold, his eyes swept across the courtiers present like a sharp knife, and asked: "Now, you come and tell me, how should we deal with King Ping?"

"This?" The officials were stunned, watching the emperor not knowing what to do anyway.How to deal with King Ping is not a matter of the emperor's words, why ask them?Emperor, what does this mean?
Shangguan Yuntian sneered when he heard the emperor's words.He knew that the emperor couldn't bear to kill Shangguanping. If he had done this, he would not have discussed it in the early court, but had him killed directly.

Sure enough, people's hearts are biased, even if the emperor wants to make him the crown prince and make up for him, Shangguanping is still biased in his heart.

All of a sudden, Shangguan Yuntian felt very uncomfortable.Fortunately, he quickly suppressed this strange emotion and stood quietly without participating or opening his mouth.

"Why are everyone dumb? Aren't you very good at speaking just now?" The emperor's face darkened, looking at the officials in the hall, he was very angry.

Still no one spoke, and the emperor's face became even more ugly.Originally, he thought that these ministers could give some reasons so that Shangguanping would not deal with him so harshly.

But now, no one opened his mouth, which really pissed him off.

Although the emperor was very annoyed by Shangguan Ping's murder of his younger brother, he didn't want to watch him die.Therefore, this was used to discuss in the early court, and let the ministers intercede for him.

Unexpectedly, these ministers have all become dumb.It really pissed him off, and whenever he wanted to use them, he lost the chain.It seems that he has been feeding these people for nothing these years.

The more the emperor thought about it, the angrier he became. The more angry he was, the more afraid the ministers below were to speak. They all lowered their heads and remained silent.

The ministers didn't speak, so the emperor had no choice but to turn his attention to the sixth prince and Shangguan Yuntian, and asked, "King Yun, Xiao Liu, how do you think you should deal with King Ping?"

Hearing this, Shangguan Yuntian sneered, and when he looked up at the emperor, his face became expressionless.

"Everything is up to the emperor."

The sixth prince originally wanted to say that the prince broke the law and lived with the common people, and wanted the emperor to kill Shangguanping.Hearing Shangguan Yuntian's words, he swallowed back the words that came to his lips, and added: "My son is also determined by the father."

"You?" The emperor became angry again, and gave the two of them a hard look.

Facing the emperor's staring eyes, Shangguan Yuntian looked at his nose and his heart, as if he didn't know anything.

As for the sixth prince, he couldn't react. He stared blankly at the emperor, and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

The emperor knew that no one dared to speak and was angry, but he could only make his own decision.

So, he raised his eyes and glanced at the people in the hall, and said in a cold voice: "Here comes the decree, King Ping kills his brother, with vicious thoughts, cruel heart, and life imprisonment. During the imprisonment, no one is allowed to spy."

As soon as the decree came out, the followers of Shangguanping represented by Liu Ren turned ugly.They never thought that Shangguan Ping would be eliminated so easily.

Originally, they also wanted to support Shangguan Ping to the top position, and they got the merit of being a dragon.

But they didn't want to, they hadn't exerted much effort yet, Shangguanping was going to die.Imprisoned for life, this life is over.

(End of this chapter)

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