The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 763 The Magic Hand Zhang Chun

Chapter 763 The Magical Rejuvenation ([-])

Although the emperor usually doesn't like her very much, he is still her man anyway, how can she not worry about him like this?

Facing the anxious eyes of the queen, several imperial physicians shook their heads and said, "Your Majesty, I'm so incompetent, I can't find out what kind of poison it is?"

"What, a bunch of waste!" The queen's face changed when she heard the words, and she began to curse, "The royal family raised you people for nothing, and they can't even find out what kind of poison the emperor has. What use does the palace want you for?"

"Come here, pull this group of trash out and chop it up."

When the queen spoke, guards came in immediately, grabbed a few imperial doctors and left.

At this time, a stern voice came: "Stop!"

With the sound of drinking, the Empress Dowager walked in with the support of Aunt Ju.

"What's going on?" The queen mother glanced at the captured imperial physicians and asked the queen.

"The daughter-in-law has seen the queen mother!" The queen knelt down.At the same time, everyone in the hall knelt down together and said, "I have seen the empress dowager."

"Get up!" The Queen Mother said lightly, holding Aunt Ju's hand, and walked into the hall.

The queen watched the queen mother enter the palace, and waved to the guards, telling them to let the imperial doctors go.

After entering the main hall, the Empress Dowager saw the emperor lying on the soft couch, and asked coldly, "What's the matter, Your Majesty?"

"Reply to the Empress Dowager's words, the emperor has been poisoned." Doctor Xu stepped forward and replied respectfully.

"Since you are poisoned, why don't you detoxify the emperor quickly?" The queen mother frowned when she heard this.It can be seen that the emperor was seriously poisoned.

"Mistress Qi, I'm so incompetent that I can't find out what kind of poison is in the emperor. I gave the emperor some antidote pills before, but it didn't work at all." Doctor Xu bit the bullet and gave the emperor himself the matter of taking the antidote pills. said.

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and waited for the queen mother's hair.

The Empress Dowager took a look at Imperial Doctor Xu and asked, "There are so many imperial doctors in the Imperial Hospital, no one knows what kind of poison the Emperor is suffering from?"


The Empress Dowager's complexion turned ugly, she glanced at the imperial physician present, and asked in a cold voice: "You can't find out, is it possible to look at it like this? Don't you know to think of other ways?"

"Empress Dowager, I know that there is someone who can save the emperor." One of the imperial physicians said suddenly.


"The master of the Immortal Doctor and Ghost Doctor Pavilion."

"Since you know, why don't you send someone to look for it?" The Queen Mother couldn't help but get angry.Since they knew that someone could save the emperor, they didn't say it earlier and were still stalling for time, what were they trying to do?
"Empress Dowager, it's not that the ministers are not letting people look for them, it's that one of these two people can't see the head and tail, and the other is not good at talking. Unless you have the token of the Ghost Doctor Pavilion, otherwise, you won't be able to invite people at all."

"The token of Ghost Doctor Pavilion?" Hearing the words, the queen mother couldn't help but think of Yehuang, so she told Aunt Ju, "Aju, you go to Yunwang's mansion now and bring Yuntian and Huang'er together. If Ai's family doesn't have If I remember correctly, Huang'er has the token of the Ghost Doctor Pavilion in her hand."

"Your maidservant is going now." Aunt Ju hurried out of the palace, while the queen mother, empresses and imperial physicians were quietly guarding the emperor.

Concubine Su and all the concubines arrived soon, clamoring to go in and see the emperor.

The Empress Dowager and Empress were getting irritable, when they heard the noise of the concubines, their expressions changed.

At any time, this group of women is still making noise here, without any rules.

"Queen, you go and send them away." The queen mother said displeasedly, and let the queen go out to deal with it.

(End of this chapter)

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