The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 768: Thunder and Wrath

Chapter 768 Thunder Wrath ([-])
At this time, Concubine Su's confidant, Zizhu, a palace maid, ran over in a panic, and said to Concubine Su: "Your Majesty, it's not good, it's not good."

Running in front of Concubine Su, without waiting for her to ask, Zizhu said quickly: "Mother, the maidservant is a step late, Xiao Jinzi has been arrested."

"What?" Concubine Su felt bad when she heard the news, and she was about to fall to the ground when her eyes went dark.

Fortunately, Zizhu was beside her and quickly supported her, so she didn't fall to the ground.

"How did this happen?" Concubine Su's face was ashen, she was clearly arranged well, how could Xiao Jinzi be taken away?
At this time, shouldn't the queen mother and queen be worried about the poison on the emperor?How can I find time to investigate this matter.

Concubine Su just figured it out. Once the emperor is poisoned, the queen mother and empress will only care about the emperor's body, and will not investigate how the emperor was poisoned in time.

Only then did Zizhu go to silence her, but she didn't expect Xiao Jinzi to be arrested.who is it?Who on earth ruined her good deed, and it was found on Xiao Jinzi's head so quickly.

No wonder, just now the servant said that Yuyan Palace was surrounded by people, it seems that she already knew that she did it.

Thinking of this, Concubine Su's expression turned ugly, she leaned on Zizhu, wishing she would die.

But when she thought of Shangguanping who was still suffering in the prison, she couldn't bear to die.Therefore, she had to find a way to get this matter out of herself.

Thinking, her eyes fell on Zizhu.

This matter was handled by Zi Zhu from the beginning to the end, if she wanted to pick herself out, she could only push the matter to Zi Zhu.

Zi Zhu was a little uncomfortable by Concubine Su, looked up at her, and asked, "Mother, why are you looking at this servant like this?"

"Zizhu, how many years have you been with me?" Concubine Su asked in a low voice.

Zi Zhu didn't understand why Concubine Su would ask this question, so she didn't think too much about it, and replied directly: "This servant has been with the empress for almost ten years."

"Yeah, it's almost ten years." Concubine Su was a little emotional, how many people can stay by her side for ten years?

But right now, in order to protect herself, she has no choice but to give up Zizhu who has been with her for ten years.

To be honest, Concubine Su felt a little sorry for Zizhu, but for her own sake, even if she was sorry, she had to do it.

Zizhu finally heard a little strangeness in Concubine Su's tone, and couldn't help asking: "Young lady, what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing?" Concubine Su shook her head, and then said, "I'm tired, help me to sit on the soft couch for a while."

After Zi Zhu helped Concubine Su sit down on the soft couch, she looked at her and asked, "Your Majesty, Xiao Jinzi has been arrested, what should we do next?"

"What do you think?" Concubine Su asked back.

"I don't know." Zi Zhu shook her head, feeling more and more that Concubine Su was a bit weird.But what was so weird about it, she couldn't tell.

Concubine Su took a deep look at Zizhu, and said the truth.She was reluctant to part with Zizhu, but if she didn't push the matter to the other party, she herself would die.

It doesn't matter if she dies, but what about Shangguan Ping?What about the Su family?
So, she can't die.

"This palace has a way." Concubine Su spoke again, looking at Zizhu with deep eyes.

It's a pity that Zizhu didn't know Su Fei's plan at all, so she asked stupidly: "My lady, what can I do? Tell me!"

Concubine Su curled her lips into a smile, and spit out a few words: "Find someone to take the blame."

"Who are you looking for?" Zizhu didn't think about herself at all.


Concubine Su spat out a word so coolly that Zizhu's face changed drastically, and she couldn't react for a long time.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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