The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 775 Dealing with Concubine Su

Chapter 775 Dealing with Concubine Su ([-])

In addition, Concubine Su poisoned him tomorrow night, which made him even more sure that the two of them joined forces.

Thinking of Concubine Su, a killing intent flashed across the emperor's face, and he ordered Lin Ruicheng: "Check it out, let me check it out, even if I dig up the entire capital three feet, I have to find him."


Lin Ruicheng left the side hall as if fleeing, and he was relieved for the rest of his life until he was far away from Chengqian Hall.

It wasn't until then that he felt that his body was covered in cold sweat, which was sticky and uncomfortable.

But Lin Ruicheng did not go back to change clothes, but went to the camp in the palace and sent someone to check Shangguanping's whereabouts.

As for the emperor, after Lin Ruicheng left, he thought that Concubine Su hadn't dealt with it yet, so he ordered Eunuch Liu to drive Yuyan Palace.

In Yuyan Palace, since the palace was besieged, Concubine Su didn't fall asleep all night, so she looked very haggard, as if she had aged several years overnight.

She sat on the chair blankly, not knowing what to think.

It wasn't until the sound of "the emperor is coming" came from outside the hall that he came back to his senses, tidied up his clothes, and greeted him out.

Before she left the palace, the emperor had already walked in.Behind him, Eunuch Liu and several servants carrying trays followed.

When Concubine Su saw the emperor, she knelt down and shouted: "The concubine welcomes the emperor!"

The emperor stopped in front of Concubine Su, looked at her coldly, didn't ask her to get up, and didn't speak.

Time passed bit by bit, Concubine Su couldn't help but looked up.I didn't want to, but I met the emperor's murderous eyes.

Concubine Su was startled, and shouted tremblingly: "Emperor, Your Majesty!"

"Concubine Su, you are so courageous!" the emperor finally spoke, and sternly shouted.

"Your majesty, this concubine is guilty!" Concubine Su took the initiative to plead guilty, which surprised the emperor and looked at her coldly.

"Oh, I don't know what's wrong with Concubine Ai?" The emperor sneered, he wanted to see how Concubine Su confessed.

"The concubine dereliction of duty, did not find out in time that the maid beside her was harboring evil intentions, so that she harmed the emperor, the concubine is guilty."

Concubine Su told the emperor the words she had thought up long ago, and the emperor couldn't help but mocked.

As expected, she was his beloved concubine, no wonder she confessed her guilt so readily, she had already thought of a way to deal with it.

However, he is not a fool, does Concubine Su think that he will believe what she says?

However, the emperor did not expose her right away, but followed her words and asked: "Oh, I don't know where is that maidservant now?"

"My majesty, that maidservant knew she had committed a serious crime, so she committed suicide and apologized." Concubine Su lowered her head and replied cautiously.

Now, she couldn't figure out whether the emperor believed her words or not.He wanted to look up at the emperor's face, but he didn't dare.

"Really? It seems that there is no proof." The emperor sneered again, and couldn't help admiring Su Fei's methods.

Sure enough, none of the women in the harem were simple.Things were arranged so perfectly, if he hadn't been checked carefully, if he hadn't seen her true face, he would have believed her words.

It's a pity, it's a pity, he has seen through Concubine Su long ago, and found the evidence, knowing that she is behind all of this.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Concubine Su to use this to get rid of the crime.

He would never let go of a woman who tried to kill him with poison.

Thinking about it, the emperor looked at Concubine Su, and ordered coldly: "Concubine Ai, raise your head."

(End of this chapter)

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