The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 781 Death of King Ping

Chapter 781 Death of King Ping ([-])

Hearing Shangguan Yuntian's words, Shangguan Ping looked at him in a daze, unable to react.

His mind was full of question marks, and he couldn't figure out why Shangguan Yuntian would be so kind.You know, he is his enemy, not just in love, but also in politics.

He really has such a big belly to let him go to the execution ground to watch his sentence, is he really not worried that he will escape?
"Why?" After a long time, Shangguanping asked three words.

"Just treat me as a good deed every day." Shangguan Yuntian glanced at him and said lightly.

Missing some things is the regret of a lifetime. He doesn't want his past regrets to happen to Shangguanping.

Back then, when his mother and concubine were plotted to be executed by Nan Gongchen and Concubine Su, he was not by his side.When he came back from the battlefield, he didn't even see him for the last time.

This is the regret of Shangguan Yuntian's generation, and it is also the pain in his heart.

Although, he didn't like Shangguan Ping, and even hated him very much.For the sake of the brothers, and for the fact that he had voluntarily divorced Ye Huang, he was willing to give the other party such a chance and let him have no regrets.

"Thank you!" Although Shangguan Ping knew that Shangguan Yuntian was not telling the truth, he thanked him sincerely.Those were his relatives, and he was supposed to see them off for the last time.

"You're welcome, someone will pick you up tomorrow morning." After Shangguan Yuntian finished speaking, he took Yehuang's hand and left the prison.

After leaving the prison, Yehuang turned to look at Shangguan Yuntian, and asked with a smile: "You take him to watch the execution tomorrow, aren't you afraid that he will take the opportunity to run away?"

"What are you afraid of? He also needs to have this ability." Shangguan Yuntian replied with a confident smile.He dared to let Shangguanping come out, so he was naturally not afraid of him running away.As long as he has the ability, he will catch once every time he runs.

"That's true." Ye Huang nodded, if Shangguan Ping really had such ability, he wouldn't be caught and locked up by Shangguan Yuntian.

Time passed quickly, and the next day arrived in a blink of an eye.

Shangguan Yuntian did not break his promise, he asked Qin Chao to take Shangguanping out of the dungeon early, changed his clothes, and found someone to change his appearance, and then took him to watch the sentence.

The crimes of the Su family had already been announced, and the common people stood on both sides of the street early, waiting for the criminals of the Su family to pass by.

The people were looking forward to it, and finally saw the prison car approaching slowly.

The moment they saw the prison van coming, the crowd became enraged, rotten vegetable leaves, rotten eggs, etc. were all thrown at everyone in the Su family.

Because there were no rotten vegetables or rotten eggs, some people directly picked up stones and threw them on the Su family.

In this way, the Su family, who were originally clean and tidy, became disgraced and embarrassed.

There was no anger or hatred on their faces, only dullness and boundless despair.

Today, they are going to die, because Concubine Su is alone, and the entire Su family will be buried with her.It's not that they don't hate, it's not that they don't regret, but now, even if they regret it, so what if they are resentful?
Concubine Su is gone, the head of the Su family committed suicide, and even Prince Ping, who was related to the Su family, was put in prison. They have no other choice but to die.

The prison van drove slowly, all the way to the execution ground.

Shangguan Yuntian and Ye Huang took Shangguan Ping to sit down in a teahouse near the execution ground, quietly looked at the execution ground below, and watched the members of the Su family being brought in one by one.

Uncle, aunt, cousin, cousin, cousin...

Shangguanping looked at the familiar faces below and counted them one by one, but he never saw Su Jinian and Mrs. Su.

(End of this chapter)

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