The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 785 Death of King Ping

Chapter 785 Death of King Ping ([-])

Regarding this point, Shangguan Yuntian somewhat agrees.The arrest of Nan Gongchen exposed Nan'an's secrets again.He is of little use to the Nan'an Kingdom, and it will be a matter of time before he is abandoned by the King of Nan'an.

"Another possibility is that Nan'an Kingdom will make a big move. Nangong Yueli's agreement to the conditions is just a bait to attract our attention." Ye Huang continued to analyze, causing Shangguan Yuntian's expression to change. .

Nan'an's big move?
Thinking of what Nangongchen did in Dazhao before, Shangguan Yuntian's expression changed.Nan'an is a wolf with ambition and has always wanted to dominate the world.Their big actions can only be related to the world.

And the most direct way to seize the world is war.

Thinking of this, Shangguan Yuntian looked up at Yehuang.The four eyes met, and the two spit out two words at the same time: "War!"

After the two finished speaking, their faces became serious.Yehuang looked at Shangguan Yuntian and said, "I will let my people go to inquire about the news and see if there is any change in Nan'an Kingdom in the end."

"Okay, I will also send an order to make the border guards ready at any time."

The two stood up at the same time, and each went in line.

But at this time, in the dungeon of Prince Yun's Mansion, Shangguan Ping had been in a daze since he buried the entire family of the Su family, and he hadn't moved a single bite of the food he sent.

The person who delivered the meal tried to persuade him a few words at first, but later he saw that he couldn't persuade him any more, so he stopped trying to persuade him. He just put down the food and left.

Shangguan Ping sat in the cell blankly, like a puppet without a soul, in a daze, unable to see the demeanor of Ping Wang at all.

The guards told Qin Chao about his situation, but Qin Chao didn't care, thinking that it would be fine when Shangguanping figured it out.

Unexpectedly, that night, Shangguan Ping suddenly went berserk and started talking nonsense.I'll say I'm sorry Concubine Su, I'm sorry everyone.After a while, he said that he would kill everyone, and he wanted to be the prince.

After Qin Chao got the news, he entered the Qinghuang Courtyard regardless of the night, and told Shangguan Yuntian the news.

Hearing that Shangguan Ping went mad, Shangguan Yuntian was stunned for a moment, and then ordered: "Go and ask a doctor to come back and show him."

Qin Chao took the order and was about to leave when he heard Yehuang say: "Yuntian, it's already midnight and the medical clinic has closed long ago, how can I invite a doctor, why don't I go and show him?"

When he heard that Ye Huang was going to see a doctor for Shangguan Ping, Shangguan Yuntian's face darkened instantly, and he said, "Huang'er, I won't allow it!"

"Yuntian, human life is at stake. I just showed him and didn't do anything? Besides, didn't you hear that he was already so sick that he was talking nonsense, and it would be too late if he didn't get a diagnosis and treatment." Looking at the jealous Shangguan Yun Tian and Ye Huang were speechless.

I don't know where he got so much jealousy, it's just a medical treatment, and he can react so much.

"It's too late, it's clean to die." Shangguan Yuntian said naively. He has always been brooding over the fact that Shangguan Ping was Ye Huang's fiancé.In addition, Shangguan Ping once snatched a kiss, which made him remember it even more.

To be honest, he didn't care about Shangguan Ping's life or death.It doesn't matter which day, he is in a bad mood, and he may not be killed directly.

However, just as Shangguan Yuntian finished speaking, there was another commotion from outside the room, and an urgent voice sounded: "Master, Wangfei, it's not good, His Royal Highness Ping hit the wall and committed suicide."

(End of this chapter)

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