The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 794 Nanan Xingbing

Chapter 794 Nanan Xingbing ([-])

By the time the others realized it, it was already too late, the Ouchi guards were no match for Nangong Yueli's people at all.

After killing the escorting Ouchi guards in one fell swoop, Nangong Yueli and his subordinates abandoned the carriage and left.

When Shangguan Yuntian got the news and came with his subordinates, Nangong Yueli and his subordinates had long since disappeared.

Looking at the empty carriage and the many corpses lying on the ground, Shangguan Yuntian's expression was extremely ugly.

The damned Nangong Yueli was escaped by him just like that.

"Chasing!" Shangguan Yuntian uttered a word coldly, and then led Qin Chao and others straight to the city gate.

At this time, Nangong Yueli led his men, and after killing Ouchi's guards, they found a courtyard, each dressed up in disguise, and were queuing up to leave the city.

Because of the large number of subordinates, they deliberately divided into several groups to leave the city, and Nangong Yueli was in the middle group.

The checks out of town were not cumbersome, so it was their turn soon.

After inspection, it was released quickly.

But at this time, Shangguan Yuntian and his men were chasing after him, seeing the wide open city gate, Qin Chao shouted: "His Royal Highness Yun Wang has ordered to close the city gate and arrest fugitives."

As soon as these words came out, the guards at the city gate immediately stopped their inspections and turned around to close the gate.Nangong Yueli, who had just finished the inspection, hadn't walked out of the city gate when she heard the shout, her expression changed, she didn't care about revealing her identity, she directly killed the guard, and ran away with her disguised subordinates.

The sudden change surprised the people who were about to leave the city and screamed: "Killed, killed!"

With the sound of shouting, chaos broke out at the gate of the city, some people ran outside the city, some people ran into the city, it was a mess.

In the distance, Shangguan Yuntian heard the movement at the city gate, speeded up and rushed towards him.

When he saw the city gate guard who had just died, his face changed, and he rode his horse to chase outside the city.

Nangong Yueli went out of the city gate, and her subordinates responded to her. She rode on the steed that had been prepared long ago, and galloped towards Nan'an Kingdom.

When Shangguan Yuntian led people to chase him out of the city, there was no sign of him.

"Damn it, let them escape again."

Qin Chao looked at Dalu with an ugly expression on his face.Just one step away, one step away from catching up with them.

"Come on!" Shangguan Yuntian's complexion was very bad, he glanced at the front and shouted.


"Ben Wang's order, all checkpoints must be strengthened, and Nangong Yueli must not be allowed to go back to Nan'an so easily."

"As ordered!"

Seeing that someone sent an order, Shangguan Yuntian shouted: "Go back to the city!"

Now, without the bargaining chip of Nangong Yueli, once Nan'an sends troops, there is no other way but to fight.

He had to go back and make arrangements, discuss with the emperor as soon as possible, and order troops to go to the border.Once Nan'an breaks through, the consequences will be disastrous.

And when Shangguan Yuntian took people to chase after Nangong Yueli, Shangguan Ping's body was finally discovered by Ouchi guards.

When Lin Ruicheng heard the report from his subordinates and found Shangguanping's body in the forest not far from the capital, he immediately rushed to the place where the incident happened to confirm.

After confirming, he didn't dare to delay for a moment, took Shangguan Ping's body, and went into the palace to report to the emperor.

At this time, in the palace, the emperor was very annoyed because of Nangong Yueli's escape, but when he heard the news of Shangguan Ping's death, he became furious and fainted.

The emperor fainted, and there was a sudden panic in the palace. Those looking for the imperial doctor went to the imperial doctor, and the messenger reported the letter, which scared Lin Ruicheng half to death, and broke out in cold sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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