The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 797 Leading the Army to the Expedition

Chapter 797 Leading the Army to the Expedition ([-])

After one stick of incense, all the generals from the East Daying and West Daying camps were present, a total of 20 people.

Shangguan Yuntian sat on the main seat, glanced at Xiashou's former subordinates, and said with a serious face: "This king has just received the news that Nan'an is raising troops, and we have work to do."

"Are we going to fight again?" The generals sitting there were stunned for a moment, unable to react.The war between Dazhao and Beimo has only been over for less than a year, and it is time for self-cultivation, so why are they fighting again.

Moreover, none of them heard the news.

Of course, they did not suspect that Shangguan Yuntian's news was wrong.They had great faith in Shangguan Yuntian.

"That's right, we're going to fight again. I wonder if everyone is ready?" Shangguan Yuntian glanced at the generals with a serious expression on his face.

Although as a general, he cannot make achievements without fighting, but there are not many people who really like fighting.

"General, don't worry, we have never slacked off. As long as there is a need, we can go to the battlefield at any time." Yunfei took the lead in expressing his opinion, and the other generals also expressed their meaning one by one.

To sum it up, they are not afraid of fighting, as long as Shangguan Yuntian gives an order, they will definitely go forward bravely and never hold back.

After listening to the words of the generals, Shangguan Yuntian showed a satisfied smile on his face.Although he has lost his military power over the years, these generals have not lost their blood.

Just like that.

He believed that under his leadership, they and their soldiers would still be invincible and invincible.

"Very good. Three days later, this king will be counting troops at the troop counting platform. Everyone, get ready." Shangguan Yuntian glanced at everyone with satisfaction and said.

"Follow the general's orders."

After Shangguan Yuntian left the camp, he rushed to the palace without stopping.When the army went out, the food and grass went first, so he had to let the emperor call all the ministers to discuss and raise food and grass.

In the palace, because of Shangguanping's death, the atmosphere was a bit depressed, and the emperor's spirit was not very good, but he insisted on approving the memorial.

"I have seen my father." After Shangguan Yuntian greeted the emperor, he finally expressed his intention of coming, saying: "Father, my son has received news that Nan'an has sent troops and is coming to the border of our country."

"What?" The emperor was taken aback, and the ink pen in his hand fell to the ground without holding it for a moment.

Although he had already guessed that Nan'an would make a big move, he didn't expect it to be so fast, which made him a little flustered.

He hasn't convened ministers to discuss, and he hasn't made any preparations.In this way, how will the soldiers of Dazhao go to the battlefield?
"Yes, Father. My son has already been to the camp and plans to go out in three days. Please also call all the ministers to discuss the matter of raising food and grass."

"Okay, I will issue an order to let all the ministers and workers come to discuss the matter." The emperor was straightforward, turned his head and shouted: "Come here!"

After the sound fell, Eunuch Liu walked in.

"Your Majesty, what are your orders?"

"Decree, the ministers of the fourth rank and above will enter the palace to discuss matters."

"The slave obeys the order."

Eunuch Liu took his disciples to deliver the decree, while Shangguan Yuntian and the emperor waited quietly in Chengqian Hall.After half an hour, the ministers continued to enter the palace.

"What's the matter with the emperor today? Why did you call us for a meeting in the afternoon?"

"What happened, why are you in such a hurry?"

"I heard that King Ping escaped."

"Brother, your news has expired. I heard that King Ping died outside. His body has been brought back to the palace this morning. The Ministry of Rites is preparing for King Ping's funeral."

"My old man thinks it's not about King Ping. Even though King Ping is a prince, he won't mobilize people to this extent."

(End of this chapter)

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