The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 802 Leading the Army to the Expedition

Chapter 802 Leading the Army to the Expedition ([-])

Especially Ye Su, who was very grateful to Shangguan Yuntian, shouted loudly: "Come here, prepare the food and drink, I want to have a good drink with my brother-in-law tonight.

"Okay, let's have a good drink as a family in the evening." Shangguan Yuntian readily agreed, which made Ye Su and Ye Feng even happier.

Seeing that Ye Su and Shangguan Yuntian had gotten closer, Yehuang felt relieved and at the same time, she didn't block them anymore.

Although Ye Su ordered someone to arrange dinner, she still felt uneasy, stood up and said to everyone: "I'd better go and see for myself, you guys talk first."

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly went to arrange the appointment.

Seeing Ye Su leave in a hurry, Ye Feng scolded with a smile: "He is almost 20 years old, and he is still frizzy, not stable at all."

"Grandpa, it's okay. I think it's good for big brother." Ye Huang laughed, Ye Su has always been a sunny and cheerful boy, without so many twists and turns, she still likes him a lot.

After Ye Su left, Ye Feng asked about the expedition again, and Shangguan Yuntian answered them one by one.

Time passed quickly, the three grandparents chatted for a while, and dinner was ready.So we all went to the flower hall for dinner.

Because of being happy, Ye Su drank a lot of wine at night.As the brother-in-law, Shangguan Yuntian also drank a lot with him, but Ye Feng drank the least because Yehuang refused to let him.

After drinking and eating, Ye Feng originally wanted to keep Shangguan Yuntian and Ye Huang at the mansion for the night.But they were rejected by both of them.

After all, they are about to go to war, and they still have a lot of things to do, so they bid farewell to Ye Feng and went back to the palace.

Back at the palace, Yehuang asked someone to cook two more bowls of hangover soup, and each drank it before washing up and resting.

I don't know if it was because of drinking, or because he was going to go to war soon, Shangguan Yuntian clung to Yehuang as soon as he lay down on the bed.

Yehuang also drank a lot of wine, although she just drank sober soup, she was still a little drunk.Not only did she not refuse Shangguan Yuntian's courtship, but she took the initiative to be bold.

No, just as Shangguan Yuntian was about to kiss Ye Huang's delicate lips, she turned her body around, and a woman went up and a man came down.

Ye Huang's sudden strength and initiative stunned Shangguan Yuntian for a moment, then he laughed and let Ye Huang do things to him.

Seeing Shangguan Yuntian's cooperation, Yehuang became happy, and kissed Shangguan Yuntian's lips while talking drunkenly.

"This girl can be regarded as turning over and making decisions once, hehe."

Hearing this, Shangguan Yuntian let out a muffled laugh, and then said hoarsely: "Huang'er, if you like it, I will let you be the master in the future, okay?"

"Okay, of course. We've made an agreement, and I'll be on top from now on."

"Okay, no problem, as long as you want, you can do whatever you want."


"Of course it's true."

"Okay, then I'll try."


"Come on, handsome guy, let's sing a love song to the uncle first."

As Yehuang was talking, she really regarded herself as an uncle, imitating the look of a dandy, while reaching out to support Shangguan Yuntian's chin.

Shangguan Yuntian was having fun teasing Yehuang, but when she asked him to sing a love song, his face turned dark instantly.Gently grabbed her troublesome jade hand, and coaxed: "Huang'er, it's late at night, shall we not sing?"

"Not singing?" Yehuang frowned, looked at Shangguan Yuntian, and asked, "If you don't sing, what shall we do?"

(End of this chapter)

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