The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 836 The Secret Worker Arrested

Chapter 836

Why does His Highness the Crown Prince only want to leave by himself, but doesn't have any intention of sending any news?

"Why, do you have objections?" Nangong Yueli looked at the shopkeeper coldly, releasing all the coercion from her body, making the other party unable to stand, and kneeling directly in front of him.

"This subordinate should be damned!" The shopkeeper's face turned pale, and he pleaded guilty.

"Get up!" Nangong Yueli glanced at the other party lightly, withdrew her coercion, and then said: "Go and confirm the authenticity of the news again, I am worried that it is Shangguan Yuntian's trick."

"Yes, it belongs to understanding."

The shopkeeper left, but Nangong Yueli's face darkened.Although he doesn't understand war, but based on his intuition about danger, he feels that this is likely to be a conspiracy against him.

It's a pity that all the followers around him were killed by Shangguan Yuntian's men, otherwise, he wouldn't have to rely on the fine work here.

Thinking of this, the hatred in Nangong Yueli's heart rose again, he wished he could kill Shangguan Yuntian.

etc?Killed Shangguan Yuntian?
Nangong Yueli's eyes suddenly lit up, and he had an idea in his mind.

There is no one around him, but there is a lot of meticulous work here.Now that the whole city is under martial law, it is not easy to spread the news.

It doesn't matter if there is no news, he can stop the opponent's night attack.

That's right, just assassinate Shangguan Yuntian and the leading generals in Luo City.In this way, even if they can't send the news, they can stop the night attack.

The more she thought about it, the more Nangong Yueli felt that this method was feasible.So, he yelled: "Come on!"

"His Royal Highness!" The waiter from the teahouse came in and saluted Nangong Yueli respectfully.

"I have a plan to prevent this night attack, you go to contact the people in the city, I want to use it." Nangong Yueli ordered.

"Yes, this subordinate will contact you immediately." The waiter didn't ask any further questions, and turned to contact his companion.

The news that Nan'an's spies were contacting their companions quickly reached Shangguan Yuntian's ears, making him smile.

Very good, Nangong Yueli was really fooled.

Smart people are easily mistaken by cleverness.

This Nangong Yueli is such a person.

He just pretended to send troops to attack at night, and he was in a hurry.Knowing that it was difficult to spread the news, he planned to sabotage the night attack.

Just in time, he dug the hole and waited for them to come and jump.

"Be prepared, this king will prevent any of them from escaping." Shangguan Yuntian gave an order, and everyone in the dark took their positions, waiting for Nangong Yueli and his secret agents to come forward and snare the net.

Tea house.

When the shopkeeper came back from inquiring about the news, he heard that Nangong Yueli was planning to assassinate the general of the Dazhao Kingdom.

Originally, the shopkeeper wanted to object, but after thinking about it, the news could not be sent out. This might be the only way to stop this night attack plan.

Thinking about it this way, not only did the shopkeeper not stop it, but he agreed with this plan.

The people of Shangguan Yuntian released the water secretly, so the secret agents of Nan'an Kingdom quickly got together to discuss the plan to assassinate the generals.

This plan of Nangong Yueli is very bold and exciting, and it can easily make those who should be cautious be impulsive.

Who doesn't want to make contributions?

Right now, there is such a good opportunity to make contributions, how can one miss it.If their plan is successful, they will no longer have to live in the dark, and they can appear in the sun in an upright manner, not to mention that there are high-ranking officials and rich salary waiting for them, why not do it?

With this in mind, the assassination plan was unanimously approved, and it was only implemented after nightfall.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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