The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 841 Please enter the urn

Chapter 841 Please enter the urn ([-])

After resting, Liu Da and Nan'an's soldiers disguised themselves and went out to inquire about news separately.

Because Liu Dashi's identity as a secret agent has not been exposed, he quickly knew where Nangong Yueli was being held based on the connections he had made in the city over the years.

The prison where the prisoners are held in the city is also the only one in Los Angeles.

After inquiring about the news, the group returned to the temporary resting place, preparing to go to the prison at night.

Because of the busy night before, both Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian went to bed late, and they didn't get up until almost lunch time.

After lunch, Shangguan Yuntian went to the command post, while Yehuang stayed at home to sort out the maps he had drawn before.Before, at the scene, due to the tight time, Yehuang only drew roughly the same.

Now that I have time, I can draw more carefully and mark the data in some places.

In the command post, Shangguan Yuntian was instructing Qin Chao and the others to guard around the prison, wrap their pockets, and wait for people from Nan'an to come to rescue Nangong Yueli.

In the prison, Nangong Yueli leaned against the wall with a decadent expression on her face.He is a dignified prince of a country, but he has become a prisoner.

Thinking about how long she would stay in this prison, Nangong Yueli became irritable.

At this time, he not only hated Shangguan Yuntian, but also hated Nangong Chen.If it wasn't for Nangongchen messing things up and being arrested by Dazhao, why would he make such a trip.

If he hadn't made such a trip, how could he have fallen into such a situation.

Could it be that he really accepted his fate like this and allowed himself to be Shangguan Yuntian's prisoner?Obviously, Nangong Yueli was unwilling.

He looked up and looked around, thinking of a way to get out.

Just watching, someone came in with food.Nangong Yueli glanced at the two steamed buns in the bowl, and really wanted to pick them up and throw them out.

But when he thought about it, if he threw it away, he would have to go hungry.I had to pick it up and eat it with the water in the bowl.

After eating steamed buns and drinking water, after a while, one steamed bun was eaten.So he went on to eat the second one, but just after taking a bite, he noticed something strange.

Is there something in this steamed bun?

Thinking about it, Nangong Yueli took the steamed bun to a bright place and looked at it, and found a note in the middle of the steamed bun.

Seeing the note, Nangong Yueli's heart skipped a beat, she threw the steamed buns away, opened the note and read it.

When he saw the contents inside, the whole person became excited.There is no such thing as a perfect road.He thought that he would stay in the cell for a long time, but he didn't expect that someone escaped and brought soldiers from the army to rescue him.

Well, that's great.Now, he has hope.

With hope, Nangong Yueli's whole spirit changed drastically, he was no longer decadent, no longer lifeless.He was full of hope to get out of this cell.

From the moment she saw the note, Nangong Yueli had been waiting for the dark.The person who sent the letter said that after dark, he would come to rescue him.

As for the secret agents locked in the cell with him, Nangong Yueli didn't care that much, and didn't tell them that someone would come to rescue him at night.

So, when the shopkeeper arrived at Nangong Yueli, she seemed to be a different person suddenly, she was surprised and asked, "His Royal Highness, are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Nangong Yueli glanced at the shopkeeper, then looked away, sat down in a relatively clean corner of the cell, closed her eyes and rested.

(End of this chapter)

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