The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 844 Please enter the urn

Chapter 844 Please enter the urn (four)

The cooked duck can still fly, so she is no longer called Ye Huang.

"You?" Nangong Yueli was so angry that she almost spat out a mouthful of old blood when she heard this.He stared at Ye Huang with an ugly face, stood up, pointed his sword at her and said, "Princess Yun, sneak attack from behind is not a skill, why don't we have a good fight."

Originally, Nangong Yueli didn't bother to fight with women, but now he was full of anger and had nowhere to vent, so he could only challenge Ye Huang to discourage him.

"Prince Nangong, are you sure you want to fight this concubine?" Ye Huang looked at Nangong Yueli with a smile. Although she had never seen the other party's martial arts, she could tell that the other party was not her opponent.

Generally speaking, Yehuang doesn't want to take advantage of others. After all, if she is much stronger, she won't be able to win by force, and she will have no sense of accomplishment.

But Nangong Yueli didn't know what she was thinking. After hearing her words, she thought she looked down on him, and her face became even uglier, and she said, "Come on, let Bengong learn the tricks of Princess Yun."

Yehuang sighed when she heard the words, looked at him and said pitifully, "Prince Nangong, since you are looking for abuse yourself, then don't blame this concubine."

After speaking, Ye Huang pulled out her weapon Bai Ling from her waist and held it in her hand.

Seeing Yehuang's weapon, Nangong Yueli was taken aback.It never occurred to her that her weapon was such a soft white silk.For a moment, he couldn't react.

"Prince Nangong, please!"

It wasn't until Yehuang spoke that Nangong Yueli came back to her senses, and raised her long sword to attack Yehuang.Even if he can't escape, he won't stand still.

With a flash of Yehuang's figure, while avoiding Nangong Yueli's first move, she swung the white silk in her hand and rolled towards the opponent's body.

Nangong Yueli's face changed slightly when she saw the white silk rolled up to her waist, and at the same time she stepped back, she slashed at the white silk with her sword.

But he didn't expect that Bai Ling, who looked soft like water, became as hard as iron when it touched his long sword, and there was a crisp sound when it collided with the long sword.

At the same time, Nangong Yueli's tiger's mouth was numb from the shock, and she almost lost her grip on the sword and threw it out.

As a result, Nangong Yueli knew that Ye Huang's martial arts were higher than her own, so she became more and more afraid, and became more careful in her moves.

When Nangong Yueli fought Yehuang, Shangguan Yuntian had almost defeated half of the enemies.

In fact, he didn't make any moves, he just waved his sleeves a few more times.Those secret agents who were injured during the interrogation, and their martial arts were not good, were all knocked to the ground by him.

Even the shopkeeper of the teahouse, and Xiao Er, the two best martial artists among them, were not spared.

As for the [-] people sent by Liu Da and Gu Cheng, because they were soldiers in the army, their legs were relatively stable, they were not directly thrown to the ground, and they were able to fight Shangguan Yuntian with weapons.

However, at this time, Shangguan Yuntian had no time to talk to them, and after making a gesture towards the dark, he walked towards Yehuang.

When Shangguan Yuntian left, Liu Dahe and the twenty sergeants were in a daze when they saw a dozen men in black suddenly appearing from the darkness.

As soon as the man in black appeared, he attacked Liu Da and the others without saying a word.

Shangguan Yuntian came to Yehuang, watched her fight Nangong Yueli like a monkey, couldn't help laughing, stood quietly by the side and watched without interfering.

Nangong Yueli couldn't beat Yehuang, and when she felt her face was dull, she saw Shangguan Yuntian standing aside and watching, her face turned dark instantly.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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