The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 847 The Eve of the Great War

Chapter 847 The Eve of the Great War ([-])

After absorbing the experience of defeating the enemy army in Nanshan, the defenders at several mountains also mobilized the people, and under the guidance of the team sent by Ye Huang, they set up traps and traps one after another in the mountains.

Everything is ready, the pit has been dug, just waiting for the soldiers from Nan'an to come and jump.

After making preparations, the soldiers were not idle. In order to cut off the enemy's retreat, they dug a lot of traps along the possible escape routes of the enemy.

The battle was imminent, and the atmosphere on both sides became a little tense.Especially with the gradual reduction of food and grass, seeing that it has been supported for many days, the generals in the army can't help but worry.

Before, in order to hurry, Shangguan Yuntian's army did not bring much food and grass.Now, seven or eight days have passed, and the food and grass have already been consumed.

If the food and grass behind cannot be delivered in time, the soldiers will have to starve.In this way, not to mention fighting, even walking will become a problem.

Shangguan Yuntian knew everything about the military well, while comforting the soldiers, he was preparing to send someone to pick up the food and grass.

I don't want to, Ye Su and others who escorted the food and grass have arrived before the people sent to meet them have set off.

Seeing that the food and grass were delivered on time, Shangguan Yuntian and the generals finally felt relieved and prepared for the next big battle with peace of mind.

After Ye Su delivered the food and grass, she went to report to Shangguan Yuntian.

Seeing Ye Su, Shangguan Yuntian exchanged a few words with him, and asked someone to take him back to rest.

When Ye Huang woke up, he heard the news that Ye Su and the Canglang team had arrived.So after dinner, she asked someone to deliver a letter to Ye Su, telling him to rest and see him later in the courtyard.

Ye Su fell asleep and woke up to receive a letter from Ye Huang.So he simply washed and combed, changed his clothes and went to find Yehuang.

When they arrived at the small courtyard, Ye Huang was drawing a map of Los Angeles.Hearing that his elder brother was coming, he put down his pen and came out to meet him.

"Brother!" Ye Huang stood in the courtyard, looking at Ye Su who was coming towards her, with a smile on her face.

"Huang'er!" Ye Su quickly walked up to Ye Huang, smiled and reached out to rub her hair, her eyes were full of doting, and her heart was filled with joy after reunion.

"You seem to have lost a lot of weight? Is it because the conditions here are too hard?" Ye Su said while looking at Ye Huang.

To be honest, he didn't like Yehuang on the battlefield at all.

No matter how powerful her martial arts were, Ye Su felt that it was his duty as a brother to protect her as a younger sister.And as the man of the Ye family, it was his duty to go to the battlefield.

"Where is it?" Ye Huang replied with a smile, and also looked at Ye Su.After not seeing her for a while, Ye Su seemed to have matured a lot, the sunshine on her body was still there, but she looked calmer.

"What are you two doing standing in the yard, what can't you talk in the house?" Shangguan Yuntian returned home, saw the brother and sister standing in the yard talking about old times, he couldn't help frowning.

Hearing Shangguan Yuntian's voice, the smile on Yehuang's face grew a little bit, and she looked at him and said, "Are you back?"

"If I don't come back, are you two planning to stand here and chat until dark?" Shangguan Yuntian glared at Ye Su, stepped forward to hold Ye Huang's hand, and said as he walked in, "Why are you so Get up soon, why didn't you sleep for a while."

As for that Ye Su, he was directly ignored and provoked by him.He tossed very late yesterday, so it stands to reason that Yehuang should still be resting.He must have gotten up because he heard that Ye Su was coming.

Thinking of Yehuang not having a good rest because of Ye Su, Shangguan Yuntian felt very upset.

(End of this chapter)

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