The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 854 Ingenious Hand Drawing

Chapter 854 Skillful Hand Drawing ([-])

If help is needed, they will send a letter as soon as possible.Although 5000 troops were not many, and I don't know how many people Nan'an sent there, but with the traps of those agencies, the soldiers should be much more relaxed.

"Keep an eye on the movement over there at all times, and if reinforcements are needed, fully cooperate."

"Yes, I will understand later."

At this time, the soldiers of Beishan and Nan'an Kingdom finally crossed the mountains and entered the territory of Luocheng after seven or eight days of trekking.

Seeing that the destination was about to arrive, the soldiers breathed a sigh of relief and sat down to rest.Although they desperately wanted to enter Los Angeles, the long march made everyone exhausted, so they could only rest first.

Otherwise, not to mention taking down the small town under the Beishan Mountain, you may not even be able to save your life.One is to sit back and wait, and the other is to march for a long time. It is clear at a glance who wins and who is inferior.

Therefore, before going down the mountain, the general of Nan'an ordered the soldiers to rest.

After marching for several days in a row, there was nothing left of the dry food they brought.Taking advantage of the rest time, some people hunted in the mountains, preparing to replenish food and replenish their energy.

There was such a big commotion in Nan'an, the soldiers at the foot of the mountain had already noticed it.So, while watching the enemy's actions, they ordered everyone to get ready.

Originally, some of them wanted to go up the mountain to catch each other by surprise.But seeing that the mountain was very high, by the time they climbed up, the soldiers in Nan'an had already had enough rest.

For this reason, they evaluated it and decisively gave up the plan.Unable to go up the mountain, they had no choice but to wait on the sidelines and eat in advance to prepare for the upcoming battle.

Therefore, when the soldiers in Nan'an rested and ate, the soldiers in Dazhao also ate their fill first.

In this way, when the Nan'an soldiers rushed down the mountain to occupy the town at the foot of the mountain, these well-fed and drunk soldiers were extremely brave, and beat the opponent to death by means of traps and traps.

Even though there were more soldiers in Nan'an than the defenders, they were still defeated by the defenders.

When the battle was over and the defenders escorted the prisoners of Nan'an Kingdom back to Los Angeles, all faces were filled with smiles and filled with joy.

Speaking of which, it was the first time they fought so easily.With almost no loss, they defeated the opponent and captured many soldiers.

For this reason, they admired Yehuang more and more for thinking of this way to deal with the enemy.Even though many of them had never seen Ye Huang, they still worshiped her.

Ye Huang did not expect this point.In her eyes, these tricks and traps are nothing more than small tricks.

When the soldiers defeated the Nan'an army, Yehuang was locked in the study and silently drawing.

Last night she had drawn almost a quarter of the map.Today, she plans to finish drawing all the pictures.

Therefore, Yehuang locked herself in the study, busy with sleepless nights and meals.Several times, Dong came in to refill her tea, but she didn't know it.

At this time, all her thoughts were poured into the map that was about to be drawn.

Although this is not the first time she has drawn such a map, it is the first map she has drawn after coming to another world.In order to strive for perfection, in order to be more detailed and clear, Yehuang can be said to be more careful.

She went through the drawings she saw and drew in her mind over and over in her mind, and after confirming that she didn't miss any details, she moved to the map she was drawing.

Time passed little by little, and before I knew it, it was lunch time.

(End of this chapter)

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