The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 859 Pre-battle Exploration

Chapter 859 Pre-battle Exploration ([-])

Hearing this, Yehuang blushed involuntarily, and cursed in a low voice: "Beast!"

Shangguan Yuntian laughed lightly, the laughter was soft but pleasant.Amidst the laughter, his clear voice reached her ears, "Huang'er, I only treat you as a beast."

Yehuang blushed, glared at him angrily and said, "Forget it, you are so stingy, I don't want any rewards."

"Huang'er, how can this be done?" Shangguan Yuntian was unwilling, how could Yehuang not want a reward?She doesn't want a reward, what about his welfare tonight?
Therefore, Yehuang must be convinced that this reward must be given, and it must be him.

So, Shangguan Yuntian put his arms around Yehuang, and whispered in her ear about the benefits of rewards.

In the end, Yehuang didn't know what was going on, but agreed in a daze.Seeing her nodding, Shangguan Yuntian was overjoyed, without saying a word, he picked her up and went back to his room.

It is said that this night, Yehuang really became a queen once, and was served by Shangguan Yuntian like a fairy.Whether this is said to be true, no one knows.However, the guards in the small courtyard and Dong and Xia knew that the moving voice of spring in the master bedroom never stopped throughout the night.

Early the next morning, Shangguan Yuntian went to work refreshed, but Yehuang didn't get up.

At the command post, when Shangguan Yuntian hung up the map that Yehuang had drawn and unfolded it for the generals to see, the shock and excitement in their eyes fell into Shangguan Yuntian's eyes.

Looking at the map drawn by his wife, the effect was so strong that Shangguan Yuntian and Rong Youyan were overjoyed.

"General, who drew this picture, it's amazing." Yun Fei was the first to speak and praised.After fighting for so long, it was the first time I saw such a clear map.

This map, whether it is for combat or for understanding a place, is of great significance.

"Guess?" Shangguan Yuntian had a rare trick, with a smug expression on his face.

Seeing him like this, the generals were a little confused.Is this still their cold-faced God of War general?
"General, you didn't draw this picture, did you?" Someone tentatively asked, Shangguan Yuntian was really proud.Look at it, as if the picture was drawn by him.

"Yes, General, why didn't we know that you still have such abilities."

"General, teach us anytime."

All the generals, as you say, as I say, most people think that this picture was drawn by Shangguan Yuntian.Although he has never admitted it, the corners of his mouth and the smile on his face make people feel that he must have painted it.

Seeing that everyone was talking about the same thing, Shangguan Yuntian reached out and knocked on the table to signal everyone to calm down, and said, "I didn't draw this picture."

"General, if it wasn't you, who would have painted it? We want to see such a powerful person."

"You have seen the person who drew the picture."

"Who is it, why don't we know?"

"My wife." As soon as the four short words came out, the room fell silent instantly.The generals looked at Shangguan Yuntian blankly one by one, wondering if they heard it wrong.

What did they hear just now?The general said that his wife is not the princess?Is this picture drawn by the princess?
Countless thoughts flashed through the minds of the generals, and then only one thought remained.That is, the general will definitely not lie to them. Since he said that the picture was drawn by the princess, it must be drawn by her.

Thinking of this, everyone's admiration for Yehuang once again rose in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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