The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 861 Official confrontation

Chapter 861 Official confrontation ([-])

"The commander sent four surprise soldiers, each with 1 soldiers, and now two of them have been completely wiped out. The opponent only used less than 5000 soldiers."

As soon as these words came out, the generals were stunned.

When did this happen, why didn't they know?
Also, how is this possible?

Is Dazhao really that powerful?
No wonder they didn't believe it, it was because they defeated Jokha before, so they despised Jokha's soldiers in their hearts.

"Why, don't you believe it?" Gu Cheng took in the expressions of everyone and asked lightly.Don't talk about them, when he heard the news, he didn't quite believe it at first.

"General, is this true?" Someone asked, they really didn't believe it. 5000 people, against 1 people, can still be wiped out, what is the concept.Even 1 people may not be able to wipe out 5000 people, okay?
"What do you think of the news I just received?" Gu Cheng asked back, no matter how the other party did it, the 2 people under him are gone.

"Why did this Jokhang soldier suddenly become powerful?"

"If the news is true, then we really can't be careless."

"I didn't expect Dazhao's soldiers to have two tricks."

"General, we listen to you. We will fight as you say."

"General, although we didn't fight against each other directly, according to your news, we have already lost two games. Then in the next game, we can't lose any more."

"Yes, General, we must win the next match."

Seeing his subordinate finally face up to his opponent, Gu Cheng's expression finally softened.He doesn't need self-righteous, self-important minions.

War is not a child's play, and the battlefield is not any other place, where people will die at any time.If these generals underestimate their opponents first, then the soldiers below will follow suit.In this way, there is no doubt that you will lose.

"Quiet!" Gu Cheng spoke again, glanced at everyone sharply, and said, "It doesn't matter whether the other party is really good or not, we must first pay attention to the other party, and then go all out."

"Follow the general's orders."

"Now, let me tell you about tomorrow's schedule." Gu Cheng's eyes swept over the crowd, and finally landed on the left and right pioneers.

"Left vanguard Lu Feng, right vanguard Huang Qi."

"The end is here!"

"The end is here!"

The two stood up and looked at Gu Cheng, with excitement flashing in their eyes.The two of them had been looking forward to this battle for a long time.

Although, when he first arrived, Lu Feng made an attack, but he didn't enjoy himself, he broke up with his opponent at the first touch, and didn't fight well at all.

"Tomorrow, the two of you will each lead 500 people and go to call for battle."

"Your subordinate obeys." The two took the order and took the token.

"Others, stand by."

Gu Cheng arranged the battle plan for the next day, and then let everyone disperse.

In Luocheng, Shangguan Yuntian was also in the command post, discussing the possibility that the enemy might come to call for battle recently.If there is no complete annihilation of the enemy in Nanbeishan, the opponent may wait a little longer.

But now, they have already wiped out the opponent's two teams, and the enemy should have no patience to wait any longer.

"Mo Quan!" Shangguan Yuntian shouted.

"The last general is here!" Mo Quan stood up and replied.

"At night, you lead 5000 people out of the city overnight, and lay in ambush on the only way the enemy will attack. Once the enemy comes, you will kill them without mercy."

"The last general takes orders."


"The end is here!"

"You take 5000 people, go around from Nantian Town to the enemy's rear, and cut off the enemy's food and grass."

"Subordinates obey!"

 Thanks to Hanxin Bingshan for the reward, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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