The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 863 Official confrontation

Chapter 863 Formal confrontation ([-])

When he came to the pharmacy, Shangguan Yuntian kicked open the door, making the two people who were arguing startled, and their voices stopped abruptly.

At the same time, he turned his head and looked in the direction of the door.When they saw Shangguan Yuntian with a gloomy face, they were stunned again.

After a while, Yehuang was the first to come back to his senses, got up and walked towards Shangguan Yuntian.

"Yuntian, why are you here?" Yehuang walked up to Shangguan Yuntian, stood still, looked up at him, and asked.

"What are you doing?" Shangguan Yuntian glanced at Yehuang lightly, his face still gloomy.

In the beginning, he was only worried about Ye Huang.So now, when he saw that there was only Yehuang and another man in the pharmacy, jealousy overwhelmed his worries.

"Eh?" Yehuang was taken aback again, not understanding what Shangguan Yuntian was angry about.

But Yeyue stood up at this moment, bowed to Shangguan Yuntian and said, "Master of the Ghost Doctor Pavilion, Yeyue, has met King Yun."

"Are you the owner of the Ghost Doctor Pavilion?" Shangguan Yuntian looked coldly at Yeyue.He had seen Yeyue before, but he didn't know that he was the owner of the Ghost Doctor Pavilion.If he hadn't reported his identity, no one would have connected him with the Pavilion Master of the Ghost Doctor Pavilion.

"Exactly!" Yeyue nodded, allowing Shangguan Yuntian to look at her neither humble nor overbearing.

"What were you doing just now?" Shangguan Yuntian withdrew his gaze and repeated the previous question again.

Only then did Yehuang regain her senses, and walked towards the chair beside her with Shangguan Yuntian's arm in her arms.As he walked, he said, "Yueyue and I are discussing academic issues."

After finishing speaking, he saw Shangguan Yuntian looking at him with a puzzled expression on his face, and explained: "To be specific, he and I are discussing whether we can survive after using a knife on a person."

That's right, just now she and Yeyue were discussing the issue of operating on the human body.

As an ancient person, even though she had instilled some advanced concepts in Yeyue and the others, they were still somewhat incapable of accepting such things as surgery.

Because of this, there was just a dispute.

"Just talk about this?" Shangguan Yuntian looked at Yehuang, thinking of the disputes he had heard before, and was a little speechless.He kicked the door so excitedly before, and started arguing with Ye Huang.But I don't want to, the two are just discussing issues.

Really drunk.

"Yes!" Yehuang looked at Shangguan Yuntian, confused.

Seeing her slow reaction, Shangguan Yuntian didn't say much, but sat down on the chair, and then directly hugged Yehuang into his arms in front of Yeyue, letting her sit on his lap. on the legs.

"Yuntian, let me down!" Yehuang was a little embarrassed, struggling to get down.But he didn't want to, Shangguan Yuntian stretched out his hand and patted her butt lightly, and said, "Be quiet!"

After finishing speaking, regardless of whether Yehuang was too embarrassed to see anyone or not, she looked up at Yeyue and said, "Lonely men and widows, when we talk about things in the future, it's better not to close the door."


Yeyue was dumbfounded after hearing Shangguan Yuntian's words.Looking at him blankly, it took a long time to come back to his senses.No wonder he had an ugly face just now, it turned out he was jealous.

After trying to understand the reason, Yeyue laughed a little and gave Yehuang a teasing look.He didn't expect Tangtang Yun Wang to be jealous.No wonder he let Ye Huang sit on his lap just now, so he was declaring his sovereignty.

After thinking it over, the smile on Yeyue's face became excited.He blinked ambiguously at Yehuang, then stood up and said, "I'll go and see the injured, you two feel free."

(End of this chapter)

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