The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 882 Defeating the Enemy Army

Chapter 882 Defeating the Enemy Army ([-])

Chen Cheng had no choice but to take the brothers out of the forest, and then gathered the team together, saying: "Some people go to Nantian Town, and a small number of people stay to deal with the enemy army in the forest."

After giving the order, Chen Cheng hurried on with the large troops, while the small troops stayed behind.

Yan Nuo in the forest couldn't hear Chen Cheng's words, but could see their actions.When he saw that Chen Cheng was about to lead his troops to Nantian Town, his face darkened, and he ordered: "Come here, tell the brothers in front to get ready, the enemy is going to pass."

As soon as the order came out, an orderly sent a signal to the sky.

Seeing the signal from the sky, some of the troops lying in ambush in front of Nantian Town got ready in an instant, waiting for the enemy to come in.

Chen Cheng's people also saw Dazhao's signal to the sky, and couldn't help feeling a little worried, and said to Chen Cheng: "General Chen, the enemy has sent a signal, and there may be danger ahead."

Chen Cheng didn't know that there was danger ahead.

But even so, he has no reason to retreat.He has arrived at the gate of Nantian Town, no matter how dangerous it is, he has to go in and take a look.

"It's okay, let's be careful and move forward!" Chen Cheng gave the order, and the army accelerated and rushed towards Nantian Town.

Seeing the large army of soldiers leaving, Yan Nuo also called out some people from the forest to chase after the enemy.

As for the remaining troops, they fought with those left by the enemy.

So, in a blink of an eye, the armies of the two countries fought.They fought from the forest to the road, and from the road to the hillside.

The men and horses on both sides rolled into a ball, from the intersection of swords to hand-to-hand combat, it was very intense.

Yan Nuo didn't have time to pay attention to the fighting of the brothers behind him. At this time, he chased after Chen Cheng's army, planning to attack back and forth with the soldiers lying in ambush near Nantian Town.

Chen Cheng led the team, deliberately speeding up, and in a blink of an eye, they arrived at the ambush circle of Dazhao soldiers.

Seeing the enemy approaching, the brothers who were in ambush suddenly regained their spirits and silently counted the distance between the two sides.

After the enemy had reached their ambush range, the general in charge gave an order.


As the sound sounded, countless rolling logs and stones rolled down from the mountain and smashed towards the enemies passing by the road.

The stones and logs prepared by the Jokhang soldiers were large and heavy, and if they were hit, they would cause serious injuries even if they were not killed.As a result, the miserable voice of the enemy crying for their father and mother was soon heard.

Although Chen Cheng had been prepared for a long time, he knew that there must be enemies waiting for them ahead.But I didn't expect that the two sides would meet in this way.

Looking at the logs and stones that kept rolling down the mountain, Chen Cheng had one head and two big ones, with an extremely ugly face. While directing the soldiers to retreat, he avoided the things rolling down the mountain.

The soldiers ambushing on the mountain saw the enemy below into a mess, and they were overjoyed. They worked harder and harder, and rolled down the prepared things on the mountain continuously.

There are a lot of things to prepare, but there is always time to run out.When the stones and logs on the mountain were all rolled, the soldiers stopped, and then rushed down from the mountain one by one, fighting with the enemy.

The two sides fought, and it was impossible for Chen Cheng to lead his men to retreat.In desperation, he had no choice but to participate in the fight.

When Yan Nuo led people to catch up, he saw the two sides fighting together.So, without further ado, he drew out the weapon on his body and joined the battle.

 Thank you for not forgetting your original intention and Hanxin Bingshan's reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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