The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 884 Defeating the Enemy Army

Chapter 884 Defeating the Enemy Army ([-])

Now, even if he asks for it himself, the other party may not be willing.

Thinking about it, Gu Cheng felt more and more uncomfortable, and waved the military doctor to leave.

When the military doctor left, Gu Cheng held his breath and couldn't help but let it out.He raised his foot and kicked over the desk, gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words: Shangguan Yuntian!

If it wasn't for Shangguan Yuntian, how could his hand be abolished?
Thinking about it, Gu Cheng's whole body was surrounded by hatred, depressed and gloomy, and looked very infiltrating.Fortunately, there was no one else in the big tent except himself, and the soldiers were all standing outside the tent.

It's just that the soldiers couldn't help but worry when they heard the movement from inside.But without Gu Cheng's order, they dared not go in.

Gu Cheng sat alone in the big tent for a long time before suppressing the hatred in his heart and walking out.After leaving the big tent, Gu Cheng looked at the soldiers from the two countries fighting together, and watched the vigorous and flexible figure of Shangguan Yuntian shuttle among them non-stop.

Seeing his soldiers fall down one by one, while Shangguan Yuntian was unscathed, his mood fluctuated again.

After a while, he calmed down again, and ordered: "Ming Jin withdraws!"

As his words fell, Nan'an's side sounded the horn of withdrawing troops.

Hearing the sound, Nan'an's soldiers stopped and quickly backed away.

"General, why did Gu Cheng withdraw his troops?" Yun Fei glanced at the Nan'an soldiers retreating like a tide, and asked Shangguan Yuntian beside him.

He is on the rise of killing, but this Nan'an has withdrawn his troops, depressed.

"Gu Cheng can't afford to lose, so he probably plans to change his tactics."

"Change move, what move?" Yun Fei was a little puzzled, looking at Shangguan Yuntian and asked.He couldn't think of what else Gu Cheng could do at this time.

"Formation!" Shangguan Yuntian spit out two words lightly. Although there are many people in Nan'an like this, it can't take advantage of it.Only by using formations can the chances of winning be greater.

"What? Formation? Will Gu Cheng know it?" Yun Fei glanced in the direction of Nan'an's army, but he had never heard of Gu Cheng's formation.

"He won't, someone will." Shangguan Yuntian said indifferently, his eyes were deep.Since Gu Cheng wants to change the game, then he will accompany him.

In short, no matter how he wants to play, he will accompany him. He wants to see what tricks Gu Cheng can play.

Of course, Shangguan Yuntian also intended to hold back the enemy by doing this. Yehuang went to attack the enemy's base camp, so he had to keep the enemy for a while no matter what he said.Otherwise, if the enemy returns at an untimely time, Ye Huang will be in danger.

"Let's go back to the city!" Shangguan Yuntian patted Yunfei on the shoulder, and rode Lie Yan back to the city.

Back in the city, the soldiers were arranged to rest, and Shangguan Yuntian also returned to the small courtyard.After changing his clothes, he had a simple dinner and returned to the command post again.

As soon as they arrived at the command post, the battle report from Nantian Town was delivered.

Shangguan Yuntian took the battle report and read it at a glance.After reading the battle report, his face was already full of smiles.

"Come on!"

Hearing the shout, Qin Chao, who was guarding outside, walked in and asked, "Master, what are your orders?"

"Chen Cheng, the general of Nan'an Kingdom captured by Yannuo, you take some people to meet him."

"Yes!" Qin Chao was overjoyed when he heard the words, and quickly responded.After leaving the command post, he took some dark guards and went to Nantian Town to pick up people.

At this time, in Nantian Town, the soldiers of Dazhao who were in a state of embarrassment led the captives towards Luocheng.Although this battle was fought very hard, the faces of the soldiers were full of smiles.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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