The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 909 Start Siege

Chapter 909 Start Siege ([-])
After the quarrel, the two reconciled as before, Ye Huang leaned into Shangguan Yuntian's arms, found a comfortable position, and then closed her eyes.

Shangguan Yuntian watched, the smile on his face became more and more gentle, he pulled the quilt and closed his eyes.

Early the next morning, Yehuang woke up in Shangguan Yuntian's arms, seeing that he was still with her, she was overjoyed, rubbed her head, and closed her eyes again.

This sleep, until the sky was bright, the gang leader was already making breakfast, and then he got up, and then accompanied Shangguan Yuntian to make a round of inspection.

Seeing that everyone was in good spirits, Shangguan Yuntian felt relieved.After breakfast, Chu Liuyue was fine in the tent, so she found a book on the art of war to read.Shangguan Yuntian went to discuss something with his subordinates again.

Let's talk about the four teams, who rested for a night and recharged their spirits. After breakfast, they each disguised themselves and entered Xiangcheng in batches.

Fortunately, because of the lack of food in Xiangcheng, people in the city were panicked for a long time, and Cang and others did not attract much attention after they entered the city.

The first thing to do when entering the city is to find a place to stay.Fortunately, although Xiangcheng is a bit chaotic, there are still places to live.

The group found a relatively remote yard and lived there.

After settling down, the group did not stay idle, and the soldiers went out to inquire about the news in several groups.Although Mo Quan had inquired about Xiangcheng's news before, the four captains Cang, Yin, Xue, and Huo were still a little worried and decided to confirm it in person.

In order for the army to break through Xiangcheng more quickly, and for the army to enter the city without so many troubles, they must control the situation of the entire Xiangcheng and be aware of it.

In this way, they did not return to their temporary accommodation until it was almost dark.

Seeing that the army was about to start attacking the city at night, the group of people didn't feel sleepy, they sat on the bed and meditated to rest, waiting for the hour to arrive.

When the team members entered Xiangcheng, Gu Cheng's camp was gloomy and gloomy.Because their food is only enough for one meal.

The soldiers who went out to buy grain returned empty-handed, and asked the city guard to release grain, but the city guard was unwilling.Moreover, there is not much grain in the government's granary.

Before, because there were shops selling grain and fighting to raise grain and grass, the granary in Xiangcheng was empty nine times out of ten.The remaining one can only be used in times of crisis.

Gu Cheng was very annoyed that the army would starve if they failed to get food.In addition, he heard that not only Xiangcheng, but even the whole of Nan'an was short of food, which made him even more uneasy.

If there is no food, let alone a war, you will not even be able to save your life.

If he came, what else would he use to win Shangguan Yuntian?
When he thought that he might never be able to defeat Shangguan Yuntian again, Gu Cheng was in a bad mood.

"General, what should we do?" Qian Jun looked at Gu Cheng and asked.In fact, he had some ideas, but he didn't know how to say them.And he was worried, what if Gu Cheng suspected him.

Therefore, Qian Jun thought about it, but in the end he still didn't express his thoughts.

"What do you all think?" Gu Cheng had no choice, after all, the entire Nan'an country was short of food.Unless to rob, or to borrow food from other countries.

But in this case, there must be a letter of credence written by King Nan'an himself, or an IOU.

In this way, the news of his defeat will be sent back to the court, which will give those political opponents an opportunity to take advantage of it.

At that time, those people will definitely make trouble, and the emperor will definitely punish him.

 Thanks to Hanxin Bingshan for the reward, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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