The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 914 Breaking the city and arresting people

Chapter 914 Breaking the City and Arresting People ([-])

Since Gu Cheng refused to surrender and surrendered, it is useless for him to keep the other party, so it is better to let him go.

Hearing Shangguan Yuntian's shout, Qin Chao walked in with a few of his men, stepped forward and took Gu Cheng away.

After Gu Cheng took him away, Shangguan Yuntian's eyes fell on the city guard, and asked, "I wonder if the city guard wants to learn from General Gu, or wants to change his path?"

"Although I'm just a small city guard, I don't want to lose Nan'an's face, so King Yun should give me death."

"Okay, this king will help you."

Shangguan Yuntian readily agreed, for this Lord City Guard, death is better than life.After all, all the officials in Xiangcheng listened to him.As long as he is dead, there will be no leader in Xiangcheng, and it will be much more convenient for him to do things.

After the city guard was taken down, Shangguan Yuntian ordered Gu Cheng's subordinates to be taken down and killed together.

After dealing with this matter, Shangguan Yuntian went to the backyard of Chengshou Mansion, where Ye Huang was waiting for him.

Before, when Shangguan Yuntian was dealing with Gu Cheng and the others in the front, Yehuang was also dealing with the family members of the city guard in the backyard.

Yehuang's handling method is different from Shangguan Yuntian's, and she feels that women and children don't have to let them die.

She believed they would rather live than die.

Therefore, Yehuang gathered all the family members of Lord Chengshou together and locked them up.I plan to starve them for a few days first, and then release them after the food arrives in a few days.

Of course, Ye Huang also considered that they would hate herself, but Ye Huang no longer cared.

As long as they have the ability, she welcomes them to take revenge at any time.

"Is it over?" Seeing Shangguan Yuntian coming back, Yehuang asked with a smile.

"Yes, it's over, what about your side?"

"I've taken care of it here too."

"Okay, let's go back and rest." Guan Yuntian stepped forward, put his arms around Yehuang's waist, and walked outside.Although the environment of the city guard's mansion is good, Shangguan Yuntian doesn't want to live where others have lived.

What's more, Shangguan Yuntian also has some properties in Xiangcheng, so he can take Yehuang to have a look.

"Okay!" Yehuang didn't ask any further questions, and left the Chengshou Mansion together with Shangguan Yuntian.

After leaving the Chengshou Mansion, Qin Chao had already been waiting outside in a carriage.

Shangguan Yuntian and Ye Huang got into the carriage and headed towards Shangguan Yuntian's property in the city.After a while, the carriage stopped.

Shangguan Yuntian helped Yehuang get off the carriage and walked into a courtyard.Perhaps it was because the master was about to return, but the yard was brightly lit at night, and a man who looked like a butler was waiting in front of the gate.

Seeing Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang getting off the carriage, he immediately stepped forward and saluted, and said, "The servant has seen the master, madam."

"Exemption!" Shangguan Yuntian said lightly, and helped Yehuang directly into the mansion.

The steward led the two of them to the door of a room, stopped, and said, "Master, madam, this is your room. If you need anything, you can always find a servant."

"Go down." Shangguan Yuntian waved his hand to make the other party retreat, then pushed open the door of the room and led Yehuang in.

The room has already been newly furnished.It can be seen that it was just prepared.

"Huang'er, it's late at night, let's wash up and rest."

Yehuang nodded, and let Shangguan Yuntian drag her into the cubicle.Hot water has already been prepared in the large bathtub in the cubicle.

The two took off their clothes, took a simple shower, and went to bed to rest.

After a good night's sleep, the next day, Shangguan Yuntian got up early and rushed to the Chengshou Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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