The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 933 Unexpected Visitor

Chapter 933 Unexpected Visitor ([-])

The brothers punished King Nan'an severely, and finally he didn't even have the strength to speak, let alone shout.

There was no sound from the prison, and the brothers finally took a breath, and then sat together to talk.

When King Nan'an was imprisoned, a major event happened in the harem.

Although King Nan'an is a mediocre emperor, there are many concubines and beauties in his harem.When Dazhao's army entered the palace, Shangguan Yuntian ordered them to be guarded.

As a result, the concubines panicked.

They felt that they were the concubines of King Nan'an, and the people of Dazhao would definitely not let them go.But they don't want to die, because they are still young and they still have hope.

In order to survive, some concubines began to seduce the soldiers who guarded them.

The soldiers are all rough men, staying in the barracks, but it is rare to see a woman, let alone a beautiful and delicate woman.

In addition, as the concubine of King Nan'an, in order to compete for favor, the methods of seducing people are repeated endlessly.Even a man with countless beauties like King Nan'an couldn't resist, let alone these soldiers who had hardly seen women.

Therefore, the result was self-evident. In the end, the guards and soldiers fell under the pomegranate skirts of the concubines.

When Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang heard the news, several soldiers had already fallen.

Upon hearing this news, both Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang's expressions were not very good.I always thought that Dazhao's army was strictly disciplined and never made mistakes.

But he didn't think that he would suffer a big somersault in Nan'an's harem.This made both of them very angry. Since the angry officers and soldiers were not up to date, they were also angry that King Nan'an's concubine was shameless.

When Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian came to the harem, they saw a group of crying women, and soldiers with bowed heads and backs.

"Prince Yun, Concubine Yun is here!" With a loud shout, the concubines present stopped crying, and raised their eyes to look at the two who came with them.

The male is handsome and the female is pretty, the male is domineering, and the female is unparalleled.The eyes of the concubines fell on Shangguan Yuntian, and there was a flash of obsession.

As for Yehuang, they never looked at her again except for the first jealousy.

Ye Huang saw the expressions of the concubines, her eyes were slightly cold.Dare to seduce her man in front of her face, what an old birthday star hangs himself, thinks his life is too long.

"I've met the general, my concubine!" The kneeling soldiers kowtowed to salute the two of them.They hung their heads low, terribly ashamed.

"Get up, there is gold under the man's paint." Ye Huang glanced at the erring soldiers and said coldly.

Although she looked down on them for not being able to control her lower body, she could understand.After all, they have been in the army for too long, have been living like monks, and have never eaten meat.Once someone delivered meat to their door, how could they bear it.

If you want her to say, the most hateful thing is that these women, as concubines of King Nan'an, don't know how to be ashamed, and even seduce a good man from Dazhao.

The soldiers who made mistakes did not expect Yehuang to wake them up, so they couldn't react for a while, they looked up at her blankly and said, "I, we..."

"Why, can I invite you to get up?" Seeing those soldiers staring at Yehuang, Shangguan Yuntian became unhappy, and said in a cold voice.

As he spoke, the coldness in his body was released, putting invisible pressure on everyone, giving people a feeling of being out of breath.

(End of this chapter)

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