The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 958 Punishing Beichen

Chapter 958 Punishing Beichen ([-])

In the room besides Little Narcissus, there were more than a dozen other women that Qin Chao had found.In this way, almost all the girls in Xihua Building were recruited into Xiao Narcissus' room.

Fortunately, this little Narcissus is an oiran, and the room is big enough.Even with so many women standing, there are still vacancies.

At this time, more than a dozen girls stood in front of the bed together, looking at the dizzy Beichen Jiuge.Standing at the front was Oiran Xiao Narcissus, she was looking at the man on the bed obsessively.

Little Narcissus was well-informed, but it was the first time he had seen a man like Beichen Jiuge who was good-looking and exuded a noble aura.

With such a superb man, she can't wait to have sex with him.So, regardless of the other sisters in the room, she directly took off her own clothes, and reached out to help Beichen Jiuge to take off his clothes.

If it was normal, Beichen Jiuge would definitely not let a woman touch his body.

But now, he was so dizzy that he couldn't be more dizzy, no matter who did anything to him, he didn't feel it.

Little Narcissus stared at Beichen Jiuge intently, the more she watched, the happier she became, and the movements of her hands were also quick, and she took off his outer shirt in a blink of an eye.

The sisters on the side looked at it, and their hearts were also moved.But because of Little Narcissus' status as the oiran, they didn't dare to do anything wrong, so they could only watch from the sidelines.

Xiao Naixian took off Beichen Jiuge's shirt and was about to take off his pants when the window of the room was suddenly knocked open.A man in black broke in, waved his hand, and directly waved away the girls surrounding the bed, fell to the ground, then stepped forward to grab the bed, Beichen Jiuge and he left with clothes.

"Ah!" The sudden change startled the girls and they exclaimed.

Qin Chao, who was guarding the door, heard the movement, and was about to open the door to take a look, when a cold light suddenly pierced over, so he had to dodge to the side, avoiding it.

Avoiding the enemy's blow, Qin Chao looked at the opponent, and he recognized Beichen Jiuge's guard at that time with just one glance.

Involuntarily, Qin Chao became worried.The screams in the room just now must have been made by Beichen Jiuge's guards.

It seems that there is no way for him to complete today's task.

However, if he just let them leave like this, he would not be reconciled.So, he pulled out the saber on his body and fought with the opponent.

Besides, Beichen Jiuge was rescued by his subordinates and brought back to the courtyard.

Because he was in a coma, the subordinates didn't know what to do for a while, so they had to ask a doctor to see him overnight, and then they found out that he had been drugged.

Fortunately, the doctor also had a few tricks, and directly inserted a silver needle, waking up Beichen Jiuge.

When Beichen Jiuge woke up, seeing the strange doctor, he couldn't help frowning, and asked, "What's wrong with me?"

He clearly remembered that when night fell, he went into the palace to find Shangguan Yuntian.He found Shangguan Yuntian, they were having dinner, he saw the other party ignoring him, so he deliberately found fault, and for some reason, he smelled a strange fragrance, and he didn't know what happened afterwards.

Seeing the doctor here now, he wondered if there was something wrong with the strange fragrance.

"My lord, something happened at night. You were poisoned by the fragrance. It was this doctor who woke you up." The guard in black briefly explained what happened. Beichen Jiuge immediately understood that there was indeed something wrong with the fragrance. .

Thinking that Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang used Mixiang to deal with him, Beichen Jiuge was very annoyed, and secretly decided that he must return it next time.

(End of this chapter)

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