Chapter 971

He regretted that he hadn't found his aunt, Beichen Xiang'er, and recognized Shangguan Yuntian earlier.

Beichen Jiuge was thinking, if he had known Shangguan Yuntian a few years earlier, would Shangguan Yuntian not have suffered so much?

The more he thought about it, the more Beichen Jiuge blamed himself, and the more he understood Shangguan Yuntian's actions.If it was him, he would not recognize a cousin who suddenly appeared, or a cousin who was full of troubles.

Not only would he not recognize him, but he would even draw a clear line with him, and even never communicate with him.

Beichen Jiuge drank while thinking, and before he knew it, he drank a pot of wine, and he was almost drunk.Before he passed out, he yelled, "Come on!"

The guard of the man in black appeared, stood respectfully in front of Beichen Jiuge, and asked, "My lord, what are your orders?"

"Send me to the palace, I want to apologize to my cousin." Beichen Jiuge stood up while talking drunkenly.

If it wasn't for drinking too much, he didn't need anyone to send him off, and he went into the palace by himself.But now he is a little top-heavy, and his brain is not very clear, so he can only let his subordinates send him off.

"Yes, young master!" The man in black didn't say much, and after a respectful reply, he picked up Beichen Jiuge and went straight to the palace.

Qin Chao was leading people to inspect the palace, when he saw a man in black breaking in, he immediately surrounded him.

It's just that they gathered around and saw that it was Beichen Jiuge and his bodyguards, so he asked, "I don't know what you two want to do by breaking into the palace?"

"Guard Qin, my young master is drunk and clamoring to see King Yun, please inform me." The black-clothed guard carried the drunk Beichen Jiuge on his shoulders, and said pleadingly.

"Master Beichen is drunk?" Qin Chao took a look at the man carried on the shoulder by the man in black, and instinctively told him that there was a trouble.

But the other party pointed out that he wanted to find his master, and Qin Chao couldn't report it.So, he glanced at the man in black and said, "Please wait a moment, I will report to the prince right away."

"Thank you, Qin's bodyguard." The man in black said politely, watching Qin Chao leave, and stood beside him with Beichen Jiuge on his shoulders.

At this time, Beichen Jiuge suddenly moved, twisting his body, trying to get off the shoulder of the man in black.

"My lord, if you bear with it a little longer, you'll see Master Biao in a while." The man in black persuaded Beichen Jiuge, reassuring him not to move.

"Really?" Beichen Jiuge couldn't believe it, and asked in a daze.


"Okay, then I'll wait a little longer. Don't lie to me, or you'll look good to me." Beichen Jiuge calmed down slowly, and warned his subordinates.

"Don't worry, son, I won't lie to you."


When Beichen Jiuge master and servant were talking, Qin Chao had already entered the hall where Shangguan Yuntian handled government affairs.

"This subordinate has met the Lord and the concubine." Qin Chao stepped forward and saluted Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang.

"What's the matter?" Shangguan Yuntian raised his head from the memorial, glanced at Qin Chao, and asked.

"Master Qi, Mr. Beichen is drunk and wants to see you."

When Shangguan Yuntian heard that Beichen Jiuge had come again, and he was drunk, his complexion immediately turned dark, and he thought to himself, why is this Beichen Jiuge like brown sugar, which can't be shaken off.

After a while, he suppressed the annoyance and displeasure in his heart and asked, "Where is he now?"

"Outside the hall."

Shangguan Yuntian originally wanted to let him in, but when he thought that Beichen Jiuge was drunk, he couldn't bear it, and told Qin Chao: "Find a palace and let him stay first, and the princess and I will visit him later."

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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