The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 977 Dazhao South County

Chapter 977 Dazhao South County ([-])

"It's boring, how about I give you a task?" Shangguan Yuntian looked at Yehuang's boredom and thought for a while.

Before, he didn't want Ye Huang to work so hard, so he did everything by himself.Seeing Yehuang's lifeless look now, Shangguan Yuntian felt even more distressed.

"Okay, okay, what is the task, tell me quickly." When Ye Huang heard that there was work to do, she suddenly regained her spirits, which made Shangguan Yuntian burst into laughter.

Reaching out his hand, he tapped her forehead and said, "You are just a hard worker."

Ye Huang made a grimace at Shangguan Yuntian when she heard the words, she just didn't want to see Shangguan Yuntian so busy while she was too busy to panic.

To put it bluntly, she just wanted to help Shangguan Yuntian, that's why she said she was bored.

Of course, Shangguan Yuntian also knew what Ye Huang was thinking, but he just didn't want her to be tired.

"Beichen Jiuge will be looking for him in a while. I heard that he hasn't married yet. Why don't you help him find one?"

Shangguan Yuntian said with a smirk, it's not a problem for Beichen Jiuge to pester him every day, he has to find something for him to do.

"You want me to be a matchmaker?" Yehuang was taken aback, looking at Shangguan Yuntian, not knowing what to say.She is only under 20 years old, and she wants to be a matchmaker for others, can she refuse?

"Aren't you bored?"

"Oh, I thought there was some kind of difficult task, that's all." Yehuang was a little bit uninterested.To be honest, she really has no interest in being a matchmaker.

"Huang'er, you don't want Beichen Jiuge to pester her husband every day, do you?" Seeing Yehuang's lack of interest, Shangguan Yuntian threw out his trump card.

He knew that Yehuang didn't like Beichen Jiuge pestering him more than he did.

Sure enough, upon hearing this, Ye Huang became serious and even sat up straight.

After pondering for a while, Ye Huang looked at Shangguan Yuntian and said, "Okay, I'll accept this task."

Since others do not make her happy, she makes others even more unhappy.Didn't Beichen Jiuge pester Shangguan Yuntian every day?As a result, they don't have time to live in the world of two, so she finds a woman to pester Beichen Jiuge, and she wants to see how Beichen Jiuge can resolve it?

"That's right." Shangguan Yuntian curled his lips into a smile, looking at Beichen Jiuge who had just entered the hall with a meaningful expression on his face.

Beichen Jiuge found it with great difficulty, but as soon as he entered the hall, he saw Shangguan Yuntian looking up at him with a meaningful smile on his face.

Involuntarily, Beichen Jiuge felt uneasy.He always felt that something was about to happen, so he looked towards Shangguan Yuntian.

It's just that looking at it this way, the expression on Shangguan Yuntian's face is very normal, and he can't help being a little confused.

Could it be that he was dazzled just now?
Thinking about it, Beichen Jiuge entered the main hall and headed towards Shangguan Yuntian.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Yehuang turned her head and saw Beichen Jiuge in black clothes walking in, she couldn't help but feel dazed.

In the past, Beichen Jiuge wore white clothes. Although he looked similar to Shangguan Yuntian, his temperament was different.I don't want to, it's just a change of clothes, and this temperament has also changed.

"Cousin, brother and sister." Beichen Jiuge stepped forward and greeted Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang with a smile.

"You're here." Shangguan Yuntian looked at Beichen Jiuge and said calmly, ignoring his cousin again.

Seeing that Shangguan Yuntian still had a cold face and didn't call out 'cousin', Beichen Jiuge was a little dissatisfied, and said: "Cousin, don't be like this, at least call 'cousin' to listen. "

(End of this chapter)

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