The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 982 Class Teacher Chapter Chao

Chapter 982

When Qin Chao saw Beichen Jiuge, he greeted him first, "Qin Chao met Mr. Beichen."

"Guard Qin, why are you here?" Beichen Jiuge asked.

"Mr. Beichen, the lord asked his subordinates to come down and inform you that we will have lunch together later." Qin Chao replied with a smile.Just now the master asked him to come to the main hall to inform Beichen Jiuge to have dinner together.

It seems that Mr. Beichen has come to the end of all hardships.Although I worked as a coolie for an afternoon yesterday, what I got was the approval of my master.

Sure enough, if you want to get it, you have to pay first.

No, Mr. Beichen has been busy all afternoon, so the master let go.

"Cousin wants to have dinner with me?" Beichen Jiuge looked at Qin Chao with surprise, and wondered if he heard it wrong.

It wasn't until seeing Qin Chao nodding with a smile that he put away that doubt, replaced by joy and excitement.

"Really, that's great. My cousin is finally willing to have dinner with me." Beichen Jiuge was so happy that if it wasn't for someone, he would have jumped up.

Thinking of the last time, when he wanted to have dinner with Shangguan Yuntian and the others, he was punished and almost lost his innocence.

Thinking about it now, Shangguan Yuntian took the initiative to invite him, it's really not easy.

It seems that he still measures the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.Shangguan Yun Tiangen never thought of reneging on debts.

Thinking of this, Beichen Jiuge couldn't help feeling a little ashamed, so he said to Qin Chao: "Please tell my cousin, I will definitely be there on time."

"Okay, I will tell the prince." Qin Chao smiled, turned and left.

When Qin Chao left, Beichen Jiuge couldn't help but jumped up a bit, making the guard in the dark speechless.The abdomen slandered: Isn't it just to have a meal together?Look at the young master's joy, as if he has won some treasure.

Beichen Jiuge didn't have time to pay attention to what his subordinates were thinking. After he was happy, he looked at the hourglass and saw that there was still half an hour before the meal time, so he took the initiative to go to the table and took the The memorial will be automatically approved.

Half an hour later, Qin Chao came again and took Beichen Jiuge to the place to eat.

Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian had already been waiting in the hall, and when they saw Beichen Jiuge coming, they smiled.The dark guards had already told the two about Beichen Jiuge's performance yesterday.

In addition, early this morning, Shangguan Yuntian had already read the dossiers and memorials that Beichen Jiuge had processed yesterday, and he was very satisfied.

Therefore, there is no such resistance to the matter of mutual recognition.Although the Beichen family was a trouble, he reluctantly accepted Beichen Jiuge's sincerity and persistence.

"Coming?" Shangguan Yuntian looked at Beichen Jiuge and spoke first.

Didn't hear the 'cousin', Beichen Jiuge's face collapsed, looked at Shangguan Yuntian sadly, and said: "Cousin, have you forgotten something?"

"Did I forget something?" Shangguan Yuntian pretended not to understand, and looked at Yehuang with questioning eyes.

Seeing Shangguan Yuntian like this, Yehuang smiled.Unexpectedly, Shangguan Yuntian would sometimes tease people, so he shook his head cooperatively and said, "No."

Beichen Jiuge didn't know that the couple was just playing. After hearing what the two said, his face became even more ugly. He looked at the two and said, "Think about it carefully."

The two pretended to think for a while, then shook their heads again and said, "I can't remember."

Beichen Jiuge's face turned dark again, took a deep breath, suppressed the impatience in his heart, looked at the two and asked again, "Really can't remember?"

(End of this chapter)

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