The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 992 Universal Celebration

Chapter 992 Universal Celebration ([-])

Before, because they were going to enter the city with the army, Beichen Jiuge was one step behind them, and planned to wait until the army entered the city before entering.

The army has been in the city for so long now, Beichen Jiuge probably will arrive soon.Although the previous letter came back, the housekeeper had already arranged it.But as the master, she still has to ask, doesn't she?

"Okay, go back to the mansion!" Shangguan Yuntian nodded, and took the lead to enter the mansion.

After returning to the mansion, Shangguan Yuntian didn't have time to ask about the affairs of the mansion, so he washed up, changed his clothes, and went directly to the palace to return to his command.

Yehuang, on the other hand, asked about the affairs of the mansion and knew that the guest rooms had been arranged according to schedule, so she was relieved and waited for Beichen Jiuge's arrival.

Fortunately, Beichen Jiuge didn't make her wait long, and arrived after Shangguan Yuntian left Yizhuxiang.

Yehuang went out to greet her in person.After returning home, she asked the butler to take Beichen Jiuge to the guest house, and let him take care of her.Then went back to Qinghuang Courtyard to rest.

In the palace, after returning to the emperor, Shangguan Yuntian returned the Tiger Talisman.It's a pity that the emperor didn't pick it up, but said meaningfully: "Yun Tian, ​​this thing will be yours sooner or later, and I can just let it go to you in the future."

"Yes!" Although Shangguan Yuntian didn't know which song the emperor sang, he didn't insist anymore.In any case, it is better to have the military power in one's own hands than in the hands of others.

The emperor watched Shangguan Yuntian put away the tiger talisman, with a slight smile on his face, and said: "Yuntian, you have worked hard along the way, go back and rest first, I will hold a celebration banquet for you tomorrow."

"My son, leave!" Shangguan Yuntian left Chengqian Palace, originally wanted to see the Queen Mother, but after thinking about it, he decided that it would be better to go to see her old man with Yehuang the next day.

Therefore, Shangguan Yuntian didn't stay in the palace for too long, he left the palace and went back to the mansion directly.

As soon as he returned to the mansion, he heard that Beichen Jiuge had arrived, Shangguan Yuntian didn't bother him, but went directly back to Qinghuangyuan to rest.

Walking into the room, looking at Yehuang who was sleeping soundly, Shangguan Yuntian lightly removed the clothes on his body, climbed onto the bed, hugged her into his arms, and closed his eyes.

When I woke up, the lights were already on.As soon as Yehuang opened his eyes, Shangguan Yuntian also opened his eyes, looked at Yehuang and asked softly, "Are you awake?"

"What time is it now?" Ye Huang asked with a slightly red face.If it was any other time, it wouldn't hurt if she slept a little longer.But today, Beichen Jiuge came, and the mansion prepared a welcome banquet for him.

If she overslept, it would be bad to be ashamed.

As if he knew what Yehuang was thinking, Shangguan Yuntian smiled, and said, "Don't worry, Huang'er, it's still early, take your time, don't rush."

With that said, he got up first, took the clothes hanging on the screen beside him, and put them on.After he got dressed, he helped Yehuang get dressed again.

By the time the two of them were fully dressed, a quarter of an hour had passed.

"Let's go!"

When the two left the room, Shangguan Yuntian yelled, "Come here!"

"Master!" Qin Chao appeared, stood in front of Shangguan Yuntian, and asked, "What are your orders?"

"Go and invite Mr. Beichen to the flower hall."

Qin Chao turned around and went to the guest courtyard to invite Beichen Jiuge, and Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang went to the flower hall together.

In the flower hall, the butler was pointing at the maids to put the dishes on the table.

Seeing Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang coming in, everyone stopped immediately and stepped forward to salute them.

 Thank you Baby and Purple Youmeng for your reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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