The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 1046 All His Text Messages

Chapter 1046 All His Text Messages
"Thank you."

Zhou Tangtang thanked the bodyguard politely.

The bodyguard just nodded coolly and exited from their ward.

"I said what's so exciting about him, Tangtang, have you noticed that this group of people always look like they're being teased every day, and they even hold a fake gun to scare others, really." Sister Wei Wei complained.

When the bodyguard was there just now, Zhou Tangtang didn't dare to say anything.

But now that he was gone, she had nothing to fear.

"But I think you are treated really well here. That man seems to care about you very much. Does he like you too?" Sister Weiwei said with a smile, and after she finished speaking, she looked clear again, " It's normal to like you, after all, you are so beautiful, it should be."

Zhou Tangtang looked at Sister Weiwei helplessly, and handed her the bag containing the breakfast with the hand that did not hang the needle: "Sister Weiwei, you have been in a hurry all night because of my affairs, so you must not have eaten anything. , hurry up and eat first."

All she wanted to do now was to quickly shut up Sister Weiwei's mouth, so that she would stop talking about these things.

"You guys have a bit of a conscience, I'm really starving to death." Sister Wei Wei hurriedly took the food that Zhou Tangtang handed to her without any politeness.

The bodyguard bought a lot for Zhou Tangtang.

So there was more than enough food for the two of them.

After eating, Zhou Tangtang took the medicine given to him by the doctor.

She picked up her mobile phone and looked at it, only to find that the screen was black.

After a night, her mobile phone had already died.

After Zhou Tangtang plugged in the phone and finally turned it on, she realized that Han Yichen had sent him many text messages and made many phone calls last night.

Han Yichen: [Zhou Tangtang, where did you go! 】

Han Yichen: [Answer me! 】

Han Yichen: [Zhou Tangtang, don't play with me and disappear, I'll be in a hurry! 】

Han Yichen: [! ! ! 】


There are also various complaints from Han Yichen, but unfortunately, Zhou Tangtang didn't see any information in his mobile phone yesterday.

Zhou Tangtang wanted to make a call to Han Yichen, but thought that the phone she just used to call Han Yichen was turned off, so it might be useless to call now.

So she sent a text message: [I'm sorry to make you worry, I'm fine, but my flight is estimated to be changed to tomorrow. 】

After sending the text message, Zhou Tangtang only hoped that Han Yichen could see it, and that he would stop worrying when the time came.

Zhou Tangtang put down her phone and yawned.

She didn't sleep well last night, so she was terribly sleepy at the moment.

Just want to sleep well.

"Tangtang, you can sleep well, I will stay here with you, nothing will happen this time." Sister Weiwei promised Zhou Tangtang.

She can also see how sleepy Zhou Tangtang is now.

"Well, thank you, Miss Wei Wei."

"It's okay, why are you being polite to me?" Sister Weiwei waved her hand, as if to tell Zhou Tangtang not to worry about it.

Zhou Tangtang yawned and fell asleep.

Sister Weiwei was actually too sleepy to find Zhou Tangtang last night, but she is Zhou Tangtang's manager, so of course she has an obligation to guard Zhou Tangtang's side and help her watch the salt water bottle.

After a while, when the saline in the saline bottle runs out, she can also notify the doctor to change it as soon as possible.

Only in this way can Zhou Tangtang be taken good care of.

(End of this chapter)

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