The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 1121 I want to eat hot

Chapter 1121 I want to eat hot

Zhou Tangtang sat back on the sofa to take a rest and played with her mobile phone for a while, only to find that she was very hungry: "Han Yichen, should we have lunch?"

She wakes up so early in the morning that she has already digested everything she ate in the morning.

want to eat.


Han Yichen pointed to the snacks on the side and said.

"But... I want to eat something hot." Zhou Tangtang said pitifully.

If you are really hungry, you don't have so much yearning for snacks.

She will want something warm.

"But many stores are closed today, so we can't order takeaway."

Han Yichen shrugged his shoulders, expressing his regret.

Zhou Tangtang pursed her mouth with a look of grievance.

Seeing Zhou Tangtang's aggrieved appearance, Han Yichen naturally couldn't bear it.

It's just that this made him suffer.

What can he do?
"I'll see if I can get you something."

After all, Han Yichen is also a pampered young master. He basically didn't need to do anything before, but after meeting Zhou Tangtang, he found that he gradually seemed to be trained.

Now there is something for everything.

It really is……

Han Yichen knelt down helplessly and rummaged through the snacks.

Finally, he found the instant noodles that Zhou Tangtang casually put into the shopping cart.

These instant noodles are definitely a savior for them now.

"Wow, did I even buy instant noodles?" Zhou Tangtang was stunned when she saw Han Yichen take out instant noodles from the snack bag.

How could she be so talented and so smart to buy instant noodles.

That way, they would have something to eat.

These two people basically don't eat this kind of thing, but at this moment, this instant noodle is like a savior that fell from the sky.

"Tangtang, you also bought sausages, did you know that?" Seeing Zhou Tangtang's surprised look, Han Yichen couldn't help showing her the sausages again.

I guess she didn't even know about this.

"That's great, Han Yichen, hurry up and do it!"

Zhou Tangtang's attention wasn't on what Han Yichen said just now, and she looked at the sausage in Han Yichen's hand with bright eyes.

Instant noodles with sausages are a perfect match.

Want to eat, want to eat, especially want to eat!
Han Yichen was particularly disgusted with Zhou Tangtang's behavior that missed the point.

But after all, he still couldn't bear to dislike her, so he just took the instant noodles into the kitchen.

He still knows how to cook instant noodles with boiling water.

Hearing that the instant noodles cooked in a pot are better than those soaked directly, Han Yichen also cooked two plates of instant noodles in one pot.

Then cut the sausage into it.

"Tangtang, when are the eggs in the refrigerator?"

Han Yichen knew that Zhou Tangtang was very hungry now, so he wondered if he could get something from the refrigerator in the apartment kitchen to give Zhou Tangtang a meal.

It turned out that there was almost nothing inside.

Just a few eggs in the corner and a shriveled tomato.

That's why Han Yichen asked that question.

"Like last week..."

Zhou Tangtang answered cautiously.

All the previous things were disposed of by her. This is the egg that I bought after intensive training in the company for the overseas concert tour last time, and then lived here for a few days.

She is not sure whether this egg can be eaten now.

"If it's a week, maybe there's still a chance." Han Yichen said.

(End of this chapter)

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