Chapter 1177 That Old Witch

Seeing the accusation in Zhou Yuanxi's eyes, Sun Ya remembered that she had indeed promised Zhou Yuanxi to keep this matter a secret at the beginning.

But whenever she thought of Zhou Tangtang being wronged so much, she felt very angry.

When this person gets angry, he will naturally forget things easily.

She didn't mean to.

"Zhou Yuanxi, I'm your mother, quickly put away your complaining eyes." Sun Ya accused quickly.

At this moment, she even used her identity as a mother to suppress Zhou Yuanxi.

Under the persecution of Sun Ya, what can Zhou Yuanxi do?
He could only withdraw his gaze.

As if he was thinking too much, it was really difficult for Sun Ya to keep the secret.

"Brother, you also went to the coffee shop?" Zhou Tangtang asked curiously.

Why didn't she see him?
"I was outside the coffee shop. When I arrived, you ran out of the coffee shop with a determined expression on your face. I knew I couldn't stop you, so I didn't stop you." Zhou Yuanxi calmly explained .

His words were half-truths, but because of his extremely calm emotions, it sounded exactly like the truth.

Zhou Tangtang believed it without thinking too much.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Yuanxi changed the subject and turned the question to Zhou Tangtang again: "Tangtang, so where did you go?"

Zhou Tangtang did not expect Zhou Yuanxi to ask herself this question.

At this moment, Sun Ya was also beside her, she nodded quickly after hearing Zhou Yuanxi's question, and then looked at Zhou Tangtang expectantly.

It seemed that she was also looking forward to Zhou Tangtang's answer.

"I...that..." Zhou Tangtang felt guilty for a while, not knowing whether he should say it or not.

"Tell me, Mom will definitely keep it a secret for us." Zhou Yuanxi said.

But it is estimated that after he said it, he probably did not believe what he said.

Sun Ya is completely the big mouth in the legends, if she knows something, it is really difficult to keep it secret.

But Zhou Yuanxi has to believe that if it is a particularly important matter, Sun Yawei still has a little sense of propriety.

At least not to tell Zhou Jingchen.

Zhou Tangtang still trusted her brother, so after Zhou Yuanxi said that, she eased her worries a little.

"I went to find Han Yichen." Zhou Tangtang summed up his actions in one sentence.

In fact, Zhou Yuanxi had already guessed these things.

"And then?" What Zhou Yuanxi wanted to hear more was the result.

Sun Ya was very excited and grabbed Zhou Tangtang's shoulder, and she was about to shake her hard: "Yes, yes, and then, what happened."

When Sun Ya was talking to her so excitedly, Zhou Tangtang could vaguely feel the flames of gossip burning in her eyes.

She was obviously very concerned about this matter.

This was about Zhou Tangtang's happiness, of course she was excited.

Zhou Tangtang's eyes were a little afraid to look at Sun Ya, after all they did some shy things at that time, and of course she chose to omit those things secretly.

Zhou Tangtang could only open his mouth and say, "I made up with him."

This is the best result.

"No wonder my complexion improved a lot when I saw you coming in today. I thought you were in a trance because of Ding Yaqing's stimulation." Sun Ya said with a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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