Chapter 1190

Of course Zhou Yuanxi is still worried about Tangtang next week.

But at the same time, he also knows how strong Zhou Tangtang is. Now that she tells herself that it's okay, no matter how big the problem is, she will try her best to press it to her heart.

He sighed, and finally walked out of the classroom with the teaching materials.

When Zhou Yuanxi was in the classroom, all the students in the classroom were so obedient as to die, basically no one dared to speak.

And now that Zhou Yuanxi left, they finally started to quarrel.

The appearance of Han Duo is basically a new gossip theme for them.

A group of people are chatting vigorously about this gossip.

It also quickly spread throughout the school.

Lan Guo and Zheng Jiamei were going to go to Zhou Tangtang's side to comfort her. At this moment, Han Duo also appeared in front of Zhou Tangtang.

"Zhou Tangtang, now almost the whole school knows that your boyfriend actually has a fiancée, do you think you're having fun as a mistress?" Han Duo crossed his arms and said to Zhou Tangtang arrogantly.

"Han Yichen and I really love each other." Zhou Tangtang said firmly, biting her lip.

She doesn't want to care about anything else.

Now, all she knows is that Han Yichen loves her.

They just want to be together, and that's enough.

She didn't want to think about other things.

"I don't care about that. Auntie said that brother Yichen already has a fiancée, so he can't hang out with people like you. I heard people say that the entertainment industry has always been chaotic. Now that you've become a big star I must have done a lot of bad things in private." Han Duo said.

She and Han Yichen's mother, Ding Yaqing, are like real mothers.

So Ding Yaqing told her this before, and she believed it.

Of course she didn't want her cousin Han Yichen to be with such a dirty woman.

"Han Duo, what nonsense are you talking about? Can you stop putting it on Zhou Tangtang if you don't have a healthy mind!" Lan Guo yelled at Han Duo angrily.

Of course she couldn't understand Han Duo talking about Zhou Tangtang like that.

What's more, it's something that doesn't exist at all, why force it on Zhou Tangtang.

Lan Guo was naturally unconvinced.

"Why did I impose it? I know in my heart whether she has done these things. Otherwise, why did she become popular in such a short period of time? Maybe she was taken care of by some rich man in the first place!" Han Duo refused to admit defeat. , the words spoken at this moment are naturally even more ugly.

Zhou Tangtang's popularity is indeed a particularly surprising thing.

Although she does have strong strength and good looks, if she doesn't have the resources against the sky, how can she have the chance to become popular in such a short period of time.

Back then, when Sister Weiwei signed Zhou Tangtang, Zhou Jingchen knew that Zhou Tangtang liked to be a star, so he asked Sister Weiwei to give Zhou Tangtang the best resources.

In addition, occasionally Zhou Jingchen saw some good projects, and would introduce them to Yingsheng International.

Sister Weiwei naturally understands the reason behind this, she let Zhou Tangtang go.

In this way, Zhou Tangtang became popular in an instant just a year after her debut, and became a floret with super first-line traffic strength in China.

At that time, the media had many miscellaneous legends about Zhou Tangtang's popularity.

Naturally, there were rumors that she was the lover of a super rich businessman.

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(End of this chapter)

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