The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 1288 Can Really Destroy the Atmosphere

Chapter 1288 Can Really Destroy the Atmosphere
Of course, originally the two didn't seem to want anyone else to know about their relationship.

But it is estimated that starting tomorrow, everyone in the world will know that Zhou Tangtang's elder brother is Zhou Yuanxi.

Zhou Tangtang is the daughter of the Zhou Empire.

Although Zhou Tangtang was puzzled, at least Zhou Yuanxi took the initiative to invite her, so he could save himself and think of other ways to go home.

Zhou Tangtang quickly replied to Zhou Yuanxi's text message: [Okay. 】

There are free and convenient car rides along the way, so if you don’t ride, you will be sorry for yourself.

So, of course she wanted to rub it.

The day's class is finally over.

The next day was the weekend again and got engaged again.

Zhou Tangtang quickly said goodbye to Lan Guo and Zheng Jiamei, and by the way told them to arrive at the scene on time tomorrow.

Both of them readily agreed.

Afterwards, Zhou Tangtang's figure quickly rushed out of the classroom, and ran towards the teaching building at the fastest speed.

You must know what kind of temper Zhou Yuanxi has.

That's definitely a super grumpy temper.

So if Zhou Tangtang didn't reach the downstairs quickly, he would probably be disgusted by Zhou Yuanxi to death in a while.

This also caused Zhou Tangtang to run downstairs like a charging rocket.

When she ran downstairs, Zhou Yuanxi's car was already waiting downstairs.

Zhou Tangtang rushed to Zhou Yuanxi's car with a "swoosh", then opened the car door and got in.

The action is very fast.

After sitting in, Zhou Tangtang immediately began to defend herself.

"I came down straight after class and didn't go anywhere. This is already the fastest speed!"

Who asked Zhou Yuanxi to appear here first, which made Zhou Tangtang very worried that he might be late, and he would definitely be disgusted by then.

Of course she had to be one step ahead and explain clearly to herself.

"Yeah." Zhou Yuanxi was actually not prepared to dislike Zhou Tangtang at all, no matter what Zhou Tangtang said at the moment.

After he answered, he started the sports car directly and prepared to go home.

Along the way, Zhou Tangtang discovered that Zhou Yuanxi would take the initiative to say something to himself intentionally or unintentionally.

Although it's all basically useless bullshit...

Uh... can't describe it that way.

If Zhou Yuanxi knew what Zhou Tangtang was thinking at the moment, Zhou Yuanxi would definitely stop the car and kill her.

That's for sure.

So Zhou Tangtang finally kicked that idea out of his head abruptly.

I was afraid that if I accidentally said something, I would really be killed by Zhou Yuanxi.

"Tangtang, starting tomorrow, you will be considered a member of the Han family in name."

Zhou Yuanxi suddenly said such a sentence, with a trace of reluctance in his tone, "I actually never thought that you would leave us so early."

There was some sadness in his tone.

"Brother, what you're saying sounds like I'm going to die." Zhou Tangtang frowned, unable to understand Zhou Yuanxi's words at all.


Zhou Yuanxi threw out such a sentence in disgust.

Originally, there was definitely a sentimental atmosphere in his heart, but it turned out because of Zhou Tangtang's words.

The whole atmosphere was ruined.

This guy, apart from being able to use the word "idiot" to describe her, Zhou Yuanxi didn't even know what words he should use to describe her.

It's just hopelessly stupid, okay?
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(End of this chapter)

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