The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 1334 Help You Make Up After School

Chapter 1334 Help You Make Up After School

In the end, Bai Xiaoyan resolutely left.

Now only Lan Guo was left, and Zhou Tangtang stared at each other.

They are now conveying each other's emotions with their eyes.

Lan Guo's eyes said: "What should I do? How should I explain now? It's over, it's over."

Zhou Tangtang's eyes seemed to say: "Ah, why am I so talkative, what should I do now? Ah, what should I do?"

Both of them are in a state of entanglement, and neither of them can get any information they want to know from the other party.

In the end, it was Zhou Tangtang who spoke first, breaking the confrontation between the three of them.

Zhou Tangtang looked at Gong Ze with a smile and said, "Hahaha, Gong Ze, what a coincidence, you also come to school."

Lan Guo: "..."

This is what it says.

Miyazawa was originally a classmate of their class, and he recently suspended his trip to go back to school to attend classes.

Does this happen in school, and where else?
So by chance...

Not really.

Just when Zhou Tangtang was having trouble uttering such a stupid dialogue, Miyazawa finally said, "Recently suspend the schedule and get ready to attend school."

It was obviously something that everyone already knew, but he answered it again very kindly.

It finally relieved Zhou Tangtang's embarrassment.

"Hahahaha, let's study hard and improve every day." Zhou Tangtang said, and quickly opened a textbook from her desk, ready to start studying seriously.

It can be regarded as forcibly suspending the dialogue between them.

Don't let her rack her brains to figure out how to deal with it anymore, it will take a lot of thinking.

"En." Miyazawa responded with a smile, and started to walk back to his seat.

Lan Guo finally breathed a sigh of relief, but Zhou Tangtang just wanted to create some effect.

It is said that Lan Guo should take down Miyazawa as soon as possible, so she will naturally find a way to help.

"Gongze, just now Languo said that she has a question that she doesn't understand, please help her to look it up and answer it." Zhou Tangtang said to Gongze deliberately as if provoking trouble.

It is definitely very difficult for Miyazawa to appear in the school classroom.

Zhou Tangtang naturally wants to fight for Lan Guo.

"I... what?" Lan Guo was really scared to death by Zhou Tangtang.

It was a bit too sudden for her.

She was dumbfounded for an instant.

Does she have any questions to ask Miyazawa, she hasn't read the textbook at all, okay?

Just as Lan Guo was feeling overwhelmed, Miyazawa readily agreed, "Okay."

it is good?
Lan Guo was frightened again.

What should we do now?
What is she going to do?
Zhou Tangtang turned her head and made a cheering gesture to Lan Guo: "Languo, you have to work hard."

She has worked so hard to help Lan Guo find an opportunity.

She can't just miss it.

Lan Guo naturally understood this reason.

But if you understand it, it's really troublesome to actually operate it. She is a child who doesn't like to study. She hasn't even read the textbook. Where can she find questions she doesn't understand?
She seemed at a loss at the moment.

Just at this time, the school bell rang, which was a life-saving straw for Lan Guo!
Now I can finally stop facing this problem.

"Since you are in class, you should listen carefully to the class first. I will be free after school at night, so I can help you make up." Miyazawa said with a gentle smile.

(End of this chapter)

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