The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 1410 Yin Canxun's Care

Chapter 1410 Yin Canxun's Care
Bai Xiaoyan covered her mask and waited for a long time. The waiter first put the bottom of the hot pot on the table, and then put on the fat beef, vegetables and so on.

"Ah, I'm so hungry!"

Bai Xiaoyan looked at the food in front of her eyes, her eyes were almost red.

It looks appetizing.

Yin Canxun looked at Bai Xiaoyan, there was really nothing he could do, so he helped to increase the firepower and served the beef.

After Yin Canxun did this, Bai Xiaoyan's eyes seemed to be glued to the flesh.

The more I look, the hungrier I get.

"Okay, it's ready to eat." Yin Canxun said to Bai Xiaoyan after seeing that the meat was almost ready.

He is the young master of the Yin family, and others took care of him before.

Bai Xiaoyan swallowed secretly.

Yin Canxun raised his head to look at Bai Xiaoyan, and saw how she wanted to eat, but tried hard not to eat.

Regarding this, Yin Canxun was very puzzled: "Eat."

Isn't she very hungry?

why do not you eat.

This is not like Bai Xiaoyan's style.

"Wait a minute, there are still a few things that haven't been uploaded, so I have to wait." Bai Xiaoyan said seriously.

She was afraid that if she took off her mask, the waiter would recognize herself when she brought things up.

"What are you afraid of? With your little fame, someone will recognize you?" Yin Canxun's tone of complaint made Bai Xiaoyan very upset.

"Hey, what do you mean, I just won the award anyway, how could you say that about me!" Bai Xiaoyan retorted unconvinced.

Although Bai Xiaoyan knew in her heart that her popularity had never been so high, and she would not be easily recognized everywhere, but she was still very upset when Yin Canxun made such complaints.

When Bai Xiaoyan said this, Yin Canxun seemed to realize that he seemed to have said something wrong, but he didn't do it on purpose, he just wanted to make Bai Xiaoyan take off the mask, not really wanting to complain about her.

"Let's eat meat."

Yin Canxun simply changed the subject, took the initiative to pick up a piece of meat and sent it to Bai Xiaoyan's bowl.

Bai Xiaoyan looked down at the meat in her bowl.

I want to eat, I really want to eat.

Bai Xiaoyan secretly glanced to the side, as if worried about something.

She glanced aside and found that several girls were looking at them.

This is the charm from Yoon Chan Hoon.

How dare she take off the mask?
"Take two bites now, anyway, the waiter probably won't come after a while." Yin Canxun quickly suggested.

Now he is finally not complaining about Bai Xiaoyan, but trying to help her find a way.

What he said was not unreasonable, and Bai Xiaoyan was really hungry, so she didn't care about other things, she quickly pulled down the mask, then picked up the meat in the bowl and stuffed it into her mouth.

"good to eat!"

Bai Xiaoyan's face was full of happy smiles.

The feeling of eating meat is so good.

"Eat more." Yin Canxun kindly continued to put sliced ​​meat into Bai Xiaoyan's bowl.

Even just sitting across from Bai Xiaoyan and watching her eat would make Yin Canxun feel particularly satisfied.

Because Bai Xiaoyan ate the delicious fat cow, she forgot to pull the mask back at the moment, so she just ate mouthful after mouthful.

"Hello, here are your potatoes and vermicelli. Your dishes are all served, please take your time." The waiter brought the last two dishes to the table.

 Thanks for [Xiaosheng talented and handsome] [Cool Sky ㄡ Whitening Memory] for the reward, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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