The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 1464 Can you not get an injection?

Chapter 1464 Can you not get an injection?
Zhou Tangtang looked at the pillow in the nurse's hand in horror, she could even feel the cold light on the needle.

It's scary just looking at it.

"Han Yichen, I've already taken the medicine just now, and I'm fine, so I don't need the injection." Zhou Tangtang quickly grabbed Han Yichen's arm, with a pleading tone.

What she fears most is getting an injection.

Han Yichen patted the back of her hand: "It's just a needle, it doesn't hurt."

But Zhou Tangtang looked at him angrily: "Then try to see if it hurts first."

Zhou Tangtang's words immediately silenced Han Yichen.

This needle can't be randomly tested, okay?

"Han Yichen, if you don't have any decision-making power in this kind of matter, I won't worry about handing over Tangtang to you later." Zhou Yuanxi's words were simply against Zhou Tangtang.

Now Han Yichen is caught between Zhou Yuanxi and Zhou Tangtang, forced to make a choice.

But the most embarrassing thing was that on the one hand, he didn't want to make Zhou Tangtang feel uncomfortable, and on the other hand, he didn't want Zhou Yuanxi to object to them being together.

"Don't listen to my brother, we just ignore him." Seeing that Han Yichen was beginning to waver, Zhou Tangtang quickly tried to win him over again.

The nurse also looked a little embarrassed standing beside her. She had been waiting for a long time, should she still give her a call?

"Miss Zhou, you are not in good health now, it is better to get an injection, otherwise your stomach problem will become more and more serious..."

Before the nurse finished speaking, Zhou Tangtang stared at her forcefully: "Shut up!"

She was about to convince Han Yichen with great difficulty, but the nurse came here to add fuel to the scene at this time, how could she not be angry.

However, because of the nurse's words, Han Yichen became firm in his mind.

Zhou Tangtang's body is the most important.

"Tangtang, be obedient. After the injection, I will accompany you for whatever you want, okay?" Han Yichen said to Zhou Tangtang in a negotiating tone, but his attitude now is very clear. to fight.

"Han Yichen, you don't love me anymore, do you?"

Zhou Tangtang looked at Han Yichen with teary eyes, as if she was about to be abandoned by Han Yichen.

Looking at Zhou Tangtang's eyes, Han Yichen almost couldn't control his heart.

Zhou Tangtang always has a way to make Han Yichen loosen his insistence on himself.

"You are so useless."

Zhou Yuanxi pushed Han Yichen in disgust to let him look aside, but now he was teaching him how to discipline Zhou Tangtang.

After all, Zhou Tangtang is still a child with a personality, and sometimes he can't be responsible for himself at all, and Han Yichen, as her fiancé, must be responsible for Zhou Tangtang.

Zhou Yuanxi directly grabbed Zhou Tangtang's hand, and then ordered to the nurse, "Hurry up."

"Hey, Zhou Yuanxi, what are you doing! Don't hold my hand! Let go!" Zhou Tangtang hurriedly struggled desperately, but Zhou Yuanxi's strength was so great that she never had a chance to struggle.

The nurse looked at this scene and knew it was time for her to appear, so she quickly checked the needle in her hand again.

"Don't, don't...don't come..."

"It hurts, it hurts, I won't hit it!"

Zhou Yuanxi reminded: "Tangtang, be careful, if you move around when punching in, you may make a mistake."

"Zhou Yuanxi, you bastard!"

(End of this chapter)

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