The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 1466 You won't leave, right?

Chapter 1466 You won't leave, right?

"What did you say?"

Han Yichen looked at her in disbelief, because he never expected that it was Zhou Tangtang who went looking for Lengchi by himself.

"That..." Zhou Tangtang lowered her head, not daring to meet Han Yichen's eyes.

Afterwards, she could only obediently tell Han Yichen everything that happened at that time.

Zhou Tangtang saw Han Yichen's expression was very unsightly, and immediately became a little anxious.

"Han Yichen, I didn't know it would turn out like this. I thought I could escape quickly. I wanted to call you at the time, but my mobile phone was confiscated..." Zhou Tangtang was extremely flustered. He said to Han Yichen, for fear that Han Yichen would get angry with him.

But Han Yichen just hugged her: "Don't do such stupid things again in the future."

He didn't want to blame Zhou Tangtang, it wasn't her fault.

Now that all this has happened, he can only choose to accept it.

I just hope that I will be more decisive when dealing with things in the future, and don't let Zhou Tangtang have the chance to take risks.

"Of course I won't do stupid things anymore. If I do stupid things again, I'll be a fool." Zhou Tangtang hurriedly said.

This matter is also temporarily over.

As long as Zhou Tangtang is fine, nothing matters.

But for Leng Chi, they will not give up easily.

If it wasn't for Zhou Tangtang's sudden illness today, maybe Leng Chi wouldn't let her go so easily.

"Han Yichen, will you stay with me all the time today?" Zhou Tangtang said suddenly.

Han Yichen rubbed her head: "Of course."

She was sick, he had to be by her side.

"That's good." Zhou Tangtang said with a smile, and then lay down on the hospital bed, "Then I'll go to bed first, after a while the medicine is finished, you remember to ask the nurse to change it, and if you haven't pulled out the needle Don't wake me up before you come out!"

That's the point.

If she was asleep when the nurse came to pull out the needle, even if there was a little pain, she would not respond.

Han Yichen looked at Zhou Tangtang lying on the bed with a peaceful expression on his face. At this moment, he didn't know what words to use to describe his heart.

Anyway, it's just right to be speechless.

At first, he thought it was Zhou Tangtang who hadn't seen him for too long, so he was reluctant to leave by himself.

In the end, when the truth was laid out in front of him so nakedly, Han Yichen said that he was really incapable of accepting it.

I always feel that my heart is cold and cold.

In a blink of an eye, Zhou Tangtang had fallen asleep peacefully on the hospital bed.

It seemed that knowing that Han Yichen was by her side made Zhou Tangtang seem particularly stable.

Han Yichen looked at Zhou Tangtang's peaceful sleeping face, and a smile appeared on the corner of his lips unconsciously.

She was by his side, which made him extremely at ease.

When Zhou Tangtang woke up again, the hanging needle in her hand had already been pulled out.

The feeling of not being stuck in the flesh by the needle is good, Zhou Tangtang stretched, only to find that Han Yichen, who was sitting next to his hospital bed, was leaning on the back of the chair with his eyes closed.

"Han Yichen."

Zhou Tangtang called him in a low voice, and found that he didn't respond at all, and then shook his hand in front of Han Yichen, but the result was still the same.

It seemed that he was really asleep.

Probably because I waited for too long, so I was tired.

 Thanks for 【『LIAR』】for your reward, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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