The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 1524 You have promised!

Chapter 1524 You have promised!

After getting into the sports car, Zhou Tangtang was all smiles.

Originally waiting alone made Zhou Tangtang feel that she was particularly mourned, but because of Han Yichen's appearance, she is now completely fine.

"Didn't they send someone to pick you up just now? Why didn't you take the ride?" Han Yichen asked in a calm tone while looking straight ahead and not at her.

"You promised to pick me up today, of course I have to wait until you can leave." Zhou Tangtang said seriously.

This is what she insists on, and no one can change it.

"I didn't promise."

"You promised!" Zhou Tangtang was very firm.

She clearly said this morning that if Han Yichen didn't answer, it meant he agreed, and she always thought so.

Han Yichen didn't say anything, just drove Zhou Tangtang back to the villa.

But after arriving at the villa, Han Yichen went upstairs to the study.

Zhou Tangtang was bored alone in the hall.

Before, their lives were not like this.

Zhou Tangtang felt that she really couldn't understand Han Yichen more and more.

He obviously asked someone to bring him breakfast in the morning, so why did he get into trouble with himself again?

"How can he be better?"

Zhou Tangtang was thinking seriously, while beating her head, this question really stumped her.

She felt like she was going to be useless.

Zhou Tangtang lay on the sofa like a disabled person for a while, but finally couldn't lie down anymore, and quickly jumped off the sofa, ready to continue to take action.

Anyway, starting today, she will be an unbeatable Xiaoqiang. No matter what attitude Han Yichen treats her, she will do her best to get close to him.

Hope the two of them get back together soon.

"Zhou Tangtang, come on!"

After Zhou Tangtang cheered herself up, she hurried upstairs to the study, ready to sneak a peek at Han Yichen.

Zhou Tangtang leaned against the door of the study room, carefully opened the door a small gap and looked inside.

It's really hard for Zhou Tangtang to see what's going on inside just through such a small gap. She has been working hard, but it's still in vain.

In the end, Zhou Tangtang didn't grasp the scale well in the continuous trial, and the center of gravity was unstable, so he pushed the door and fell in.

The door of the study was pushed open.

Afterwards, Zhou Tangtang fell to the ground very sadly.

"Ah—it hurts—"

The sound of Zhou Tangtang falling to the ground was also very solid, the feeling of landing on the ground.

It hurts so badly that there is no cure.

Of course, there is also the wound that Zhou Tangtang opened before, and now it seems to be split open after such a fall.

Han Yichen originally wanted to pretend to be calm, but he found out that Zhou Tangtang was looking at the door of the study early in the morning, but he just pretended not to notice.

As a result, when Zhou Tangtang cried out in pain, he really couldn't sit still.

Han Yichen came to Zhou Tangtang's side eagerly with his long legs, his expression was full of nervousness, but his words were not what Zhou Tangtang liked to hear: "Are you an idiot?"

Then he carefully helped Zhou Tangtang up.

"You're an idiot."

Zhou Tangtang didn't even think about it, so she refuted it and went back.

Anyway, she can't be scolded casually.

Han Yichen ignored her rebuttal, but began to carefully check her body, for fear that she would be injured.

This inspection made Han Yichen discover Zhou Tangtang's injury during recording.

(End of this chapter)

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