The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 1657 Why don't you stay overnight

Chapter 1657 Why don't you stay overnight
As Mother Lan said, she quickly left the hall in a very sensible manner.

"Mom, why are you driving everyone away..."

Lan Guo anxiously wanted to call Mother Lan to stop, but Mother Lan had already left in a hurry, and it was useless for her to shout.

Now that's all right, she's going to continue to be embarrassed and don't know what to say.

Fortunately, Miyazawa spoke first: "Afterwards, if we have time, we can find more time to go out on a date together."

Lan Guo looked at Miyazawa in surprise.

Unexpectedly, it was Miyazawa who took the initiative to ask her out on a date.

She naturally nodded without saying a word: "Okay, okay!"

She can't wait.

Miyazawa: "Actually, you don't need to be under so much pressure. I think we will get better in the future if we get along more."


Miyazawa: "If you have anything you want to say, you can tell me directly, you don't need to ask others."

This mainly refers to today's affairs.

Invite Miyazawa to a dinner party, obviously Lan Guo can call him, but he dare not, insisting on letting Zhou Tangtang do it.

This is where she needs to change the most.

"Well, I got it, I must remember this time!" Lan Guo nodded vigorously, as if he had engraved Miyazawa's words in his heart very seriously.

Miyazawa chatted with Lan Guo for a while, and he always seemed very patient.

Probably because he wanted Lan Guo to know more about himself and shorten the distance between the two of them.

Finally, when Miyazawa glanced at his watch, it was already late.

He should go back too.

"It's getting late today, I'll go back first, see you at school tomorrow." Miyazawa said to Lan Guo with a smile.


After Lan Guo responded, Miyazawa stood up from the sofa, ready to leave.

Mother Lan didn't know when she appeared in the hall, but when she saw that Miyazawa was about to leave, she quickly appeared in front of them: "Miyazawa, you are leaving so soon, please sit down again, we Jia Languo still wants to chat with you, if you don't mind, you can stay overnight at our house, I can help you prepare the room and so on."

Mother Lan is desperately trying to keep her.

It's just that what she said almost made Lan Guo vomit blood.

What does it mean to stay at home overnight?

When Miyazawa sent himself in, so many reporters outside were filming frantically with their cameras.

If he had spent the night at their house, what would be written in the news tomorrow?
That must be terrible.

"Mom, stop talking nonsense, Miyazawa has something to do and is leaving now, right!" Lan Guo said and glanced at Miyazawa, her eyes were constantly conveying information to Miyazawa.

I hope Miyazawa can understand his eyes and keep up with his acting rhythm.

Fortunately, Miyazawa did understand, and quickly said: "Well, I have a temporary schedule to go tonight, so there is no way, Auntie, I will definitely come to visit another day when I am free."

Mother Lan heard that Miyazawa said that she still had a schedule. Although she really wanted to keep him, she thought that Miyazawa still had a bright future and she should work hard for his and Lan Guo's future, so she couldn't stop it.

"Okay, then hurry up, work is still very important." Mother Lan finally compromised, and instead of continuing to stop Miyazawa, let him rush to run the schedule.

Lan Guo turned her head and secretly smiled at Miyazawa, making an "OK" gesture.

After all, their cooperation is still very successful.

No, Mama Lan let Miyazawa go successfully.

 Thank you [笑笑*] for your reward, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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