The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 1659 It's Not Good, Something Happened

Chapter 1659 It's Not Good, Something Happened

On the way Huangfuxun sent Zheng Jiamei home, the atmosphere in the car was always quiet.

This seems to be the way they get along.

Quiet, but they can feel that someone is actually by their side.

Seeing that she was about to arrive at Zheng Jiamei's house, Zheng Jiamei quickly took her bag and got ready.

Finally, Huangfuxun's car stopped in front of Zheng Jiamei's dilapidated neighborhood.

"Huangfuxun, thank you, I'm leaving first, you go back and be careful." Zheng Jiamei hurriedly said goodbye to Huangfuxun, and then opened the car door to get out of the car.

"Well, you should also be careful."

Huangfu Xun's voice sounded, warm and magnetic.

In the car with warm lights, it looks very nice.

"Yeah." Zheng Jiamei nodded, got out of the car with her schoolbag on her back, and walked into the community.

Huangfu Xun's did not leave, his car lights were just shining on the gate of the community, he had to wait for Zheng Jiamei to enter the gate, then walked up the stairs on the right, until he saw her appear on the floor where her house lived. She opens the door and he leaves.

This seems to have become the default way between them.

When Zheng Jiamei walked to the gate of the community, she found someone suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Xiaomei, something happened, something happened to your father!" Zheng's mother grabbed Zheng Jiamei's wrist with tears on her face.

Hearing this, Zheng Jiamei's nerves also tensed up: "What's the matter, what happened?"

"Your dad... your dad suddenly became seriously ill and needed to be transferred to the ICU, but before you offended Zheng Bin, he deliberately made people say that there was no place in the ICU, and he still refused to let your dad undergo surgery. You go and see him in person." Zheng's mother looked helpless.

Under such circumstances, they have no choice at all.

Although she was unwilling to let her daughter be coveted by that beast, but now there was no other way.

If Zheng Jiamei didn't go, her father might really be hopeless.

"Okay, I'll go to the hospital with you now!" Of course Zheng Jiamei didn't want her father to have an accident, so she knew that Zheng Bin was not a good person, but she still wanted to go.

She has no choice.

"Zheng Jiamei, did something happen?" Huangfu Xun suddenly appeared in front of Zheng Jiamei, looking at her indifferently.

Judging by their appearance, it seemed that something important had happened.

"It's okay." Zheng Jiamei lowered her head, unwilling to look at Huangfu Xun, but she also didn't want to tell him these things.

Her life was not in the same world as theirs, she was so unbearable.

She already had low self-esteem enough, and if she told Huangfu Xun these things, she would not know how to face Huangfu Xun even more.

So she would rather carry these things by herself.

Zheng Jiamei didn't want to say it, but Zheng's mother quickly told Huangfuxun about it: "Her father's condition worsened today, and the son of the hospital director took a fancy to our Xiaomei and said that our Xiaomei should go Only when she sees him will she treat her father."

This Huangfu Xun looked like a son of a rich family.

Of course, Mama Zheng couldn't just watch Zheng Jiamei fall into the trap of a sheep like that.

That's why she told Huangfu Xun these things. No matter what, if Huangfu Xun had something to do, Zheng Jiamei wouldn't have to go into the trap.

(End of this chapter)

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