The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 169 Zheng Jiamei's Amazing Singing Voice

Chapter 169 Zheng Jiamei's Amazing Singing Voice
As soon as He Youyou finished speaking, the students in the classroom burst into particularly loud applause.

Everyone's eyes also fell on Zheng Jiamei.

Because the key to this bet is Zheng Jiamei.

And she didn't dare to look at anyone at all, she lowered her head, her fingers tightened and entangled.

Everyone is waiting for her to make a move.

And Zheng Jiamei's current reaction is basically in the arms of He Youyou.

In other words, Zheng Jiamei didn't dare to go on stage to sing at all.

"Zheng Jiamei, if you don't dare, just tell us that you give up, but don't waste everyone's time." He Youyou said to Zheng Jiamei with a mocking smile.

She naturally looked down on her.

At this moment, the students in the classroom also booed.

"Let me just say, how dare someone as timid as Zheng Meijia dare to come on stage and sing."

"There is no suspense at all. Tangtang will be miserable next week."

"It's really embarrassing to go to the broadcasting room and call yourself a fool to all the students in the school."

"Knowing that it's impossible, why do you still agree to He Youyou's bet? It's just hard for me."

"Who knows, it's probably due to the overwhelming confidence in myself, who knows that it will stumble."


Zhou Tangtang heard the students' discussions.

Back then, Zhou Tangtang agreed to this matter not only because of her own emotions, but also because Zheng Jiamei herself said before that she wanted to become a big star like Alice, so Zhou Tangtang also wanted to help her take this step together.

And this week, Zhou Tangtang has done everything he can to help Zheng Jiamei.

Then it's up to her.

If she couldn't even take this step, then Zhou Tangtang really couldn't help her.

Now everyone is waiting for Zheng Jiamei's reaction.

"Jamie, come on!"

Lan Guo was seriously cheering Zheng Jiamei on the sidelines.

So many days of training can be done in one fell swoop, and she believes that Zheng Jiamei will never give up.

In the end, Zheng Jiamei stood up, clenched her fists tightly, and walked towards the podium under everyone's gaze.

A smile appeared on the corner of Zhou Tangtang's lips, which at least proved that Zheng Jiamei was also trying hard.

Seeing that Zheng Jiamei was already standing on the podium, Zhou Tangtang hurried up and whispered in Zheng Jiamei's ear: "Just pretend to be in the music classroom, when no one else exists, just look at me with your eyes .”


Zheng Jiamei nodded.

Everyone spent so much time for her before, she must not let them down.

In the end, Zheng Jiamei followed what Zhou Tangtang said, tried to maintain a good attitude, and then really started singing on the podium.

Because the classrooms of the school are relatively large, there is an amplified microphone on the podium.

At this moment, the beautiful and melodious singing came from the stereo, and the students hardly believed their ears.

Zheng Jiamei's eyes were always fixed on Zhou Tangtang.

Zhou Tangtang was sitting in the middle of the classroom, so she looked more energetic.

Although still somewhat restrained, Zheng Jiamei's ability to achieve this level is still very commendable.

Zhou Tangtang also showed a satisfied expression on his face.

She is indeed the student Alice taught. If there is no change like this, she doesn't want to admit that she has taught her before.

 Please recommend tickets~ There is another update that will be later, I can see everyone's comments, but I may be a bit busy, so I can't reply to everyone, but I still love you all!


(End of this chapter)

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