The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 17 Getting Wet With Coke

Chapter 17 Getting Wet With Coke

"Zhou Tangtang is you?"

"Yes." Zhou Tangtang nodded.

She has no reason to deny that if she does not change her name or surname.

Otherwise it would not be her style of doing things.

"You're so ugly. For someone like you, would there really be a man who would want you?" Li Manzi said with a burst of sarcasm, with an exaggerated smile, "It's just a daydream!"

There was a group of people behind her, all of whom laughed.

Zhou Tangtang frowned, the smiles of this group of people are really low.

But from what Li Manzi said, she could tell that they were here to find fault with her, and it was because of Han Yichen.

So now, she had to use Han Yichen as a shield.

Zhou Tangtang said with a faint smile: "Yes, it is true that few men would fall in love with me, but it just so happens that Han Yichen likes me, who has a unique and ugly appearance, is it my fault?"

He said with a helpless expression.

It can literally blow people up.

"You dare to insult Young Master Han like this, don't you want to die!"

"We can't let her go so easily."

"You must teach her a lesson!"

Even the classmates in their class actually supported the decision of these girls.

Who let Zhou Tangtang insult their beloved young master Han this time, this lesson should be taught.

"Then I can only teach you a lesson on behalf of everyone."

Before Zhou Tangtang could react, Li Manzi brought a bottle of Coke at some point, and poured it on Zhou Tangtang.

She couldn't dodge at all.

Because she never thought that Li Manzi would come with a Coke.

The sweet and bubbling cola just spread all over Zhou Tangtang's body, the cola liquid slipped from her cheeks to the corner of her lips, she could taste the sweetness.

But her heart is cold.

Zhou Tangtang raised her eyes, and looked at her with a chill in her black and white eyes: "You are finished."

No one in this world who dared to bully her, Zhou Tangtang, had yet been born.

She is still the first.

Then her life will be miserable in the future.

After seeing Zhou Tangtang's eyes, Li Manzi, including the girls behind her, was shocked, and no one dared to speak casually for a while.

Her eyes are so scary.

"She's just pretending, how can she really do something to us!" A girl in the crowd shouted.

After hearing what this girl said, the other girls felt relieved.

Indeed, Zhou Tangtang also knew that it would definitely be a disadvantage for him to confront them directly now, so let's wait until later to fight again.

"Why are you so many people around here!"

Suddenly, Lan Guo's voice came from the door of the classroom.

Seeing that class was about to start, Lan Guo also came back from home. She didn't expect to see so many girls surrounding her and Zhou Tangtang's seats, so she hurried over.

After seeing Lan Guo, the girls naturally didn't dare to provoke her, so they immediately made way for her to come over.

Lan Guo also saw Zhou Tangtang who looked embarrassed, her brows were tightly wrinkled, and she quickly ran towards her.

"Tangtang, what's wrong with you, who bullied you!"

Lan Guo yelled at those people angrily.

She dared to bully her friend, courting death!

"I'll give you a little memory this time, and don't pester Young Master Han anymore!" Li Manzi didn't dare to fight against Lan Guo, and after hurriedly throwing these words to Zhou Tangtang, she led the group of girls left.

(End of this chapter)

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