The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 1911 Didn't let you force it

Chapter 1911 Didn't let you force it

Zhou Yuanxi said that when he was with Sun Ya, he would feel this feeling of being scared every day.

But today, in front of Xia Linlin, Zhou Yuanxi certainly didn't want Sun Ya to talk nonsense.

Xia Linlin also quickly explained: "Auntie, I'm just a student of Teacher Zhou."

Of course she didn't want Sun Ya to misunderstand her.

How could Zhou Yuanxi like her.

Sun Ya didn't pay attention to the explanation of the two of them at all, she sneaked closer to Xia Linlin, and whispered in her ear: "We Yuanxi are just shy, if there is really someone in my heart I’m not ashamed to say it, as long as you know it in your heart.”

Because Sun Ya spoke in a very low voice, Zhou Yuanxi had no way of knowing what Sun Ya said in Xia Linlin's ear.

But seeing Xia Linlin's shy look, he knew that what Sun Ya said was still related to the previous incident.

Zhou Yuanxi hurriedly stopped Sun Ya's behavior: "Mom, you are almost done, we have to go to school later, we will be late."

Sun Ya was in a good mood, and replied with a smile: "Okay, okay, I won't talk anymore, you guys continue to eat, I'm done."

Sun Ya felt that sitting between Zhou Yuanxi and Xia Linlin, she was like a super big light bulb.

So all she can do at this moment is to leave quickly.

Leave the restaurant space to Zhou Yuanxi and Xia Linlin.

That way they can get along well.

After Sun Ya left, the environment in the restaurant became very quiet.

After all, when Sun Ya was around, it was Sun Ya who was talking to the two of them separately, and the two of them dared not speak to each other.

Xia Linlin was even more ashamed because of Sun Ya's previous words. At this moment, she just lowered her head to eat breakfast, and even wished she could just bury her face in the dinner plate.

Nothing was said between the two of them.

Until Zhou Yuanxi spoke first: "Hurry up, or we will be late."

Charlene: "Understood."

While speaking, she quickly accelerated her eating speed, for fear that she would be left behind and be late.

However, she almost choked to death just because she ate too fast.

Xia Linlin coughed vigorously, hoping to cough out what she accidentally choked on: "Ahem, ahem..."

One of her coughing little faces flushed.

Zhou Yuanxi frowned, slightly disgusted: "I just told you to speed up a bit, and didn't let you die, are you stupid?"

Although his tone was full of disgust, in fact, Zhou Yuanxi handed the milk to Xia Linlin and asked her to drink something.

When Xia Linlin took the cup and drank it, Zhou Yuanxi carefully patted Xia Linlin on the back.

Hope it helps her.

Such a scene was naturally seen by Sun Ya who was peeping outside.

Very satisfied.

Could not be more satisfied.

It turns out that her son still has such a side, and he really has learned a lot.

Especially good.

Sun Ya was completely relieved when she saw this, she withdrew her eyes and went into the hall with a happy smile on her face.

Now she can finally rest assured.

In the restaurant, Xia Linlin finally recovered her breath, and Zhou Yuanxi quickly withdrew her hand, pretending that nothing happened just now, and continued to eat.

Charlene patted her chest to let herself relax before continuing to eat.

It's just that even though she accidentally choked on eating too fast, she still didn't dare to eat too slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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