The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 2016 Seeing I Will Not Abandon You

Chapter 2016 Seeing I Will Not Abandon You
Charlene looked at the bikini in Zhou Tangtang's hand in a daze, as if she was thinking about something.

Zhou Tangtang's words just now are indeed so attractive.

But right.

This swimsuit really takes a lot of courage.

Just when Zhou Tangtang thought she was about to succeed, Zhou Yuanxi suddenly appeared and broke her plan.

"Tangtang, what are you doing with this swimsuit?" Zhou Yuanxi was disgusted when he saw the swimsuit in Zhou Tangtang's hands.

From Zhou Tangtang's point of view, Zhou Yuanxi's expression was simply discriminating against this swimsuit.

"I'm recommending a swimsuit to Linlin. Don't you think this swimsuit looks good? If Linlin wears it, it must look good." Zhou Tangtang said with a smile.

This is definitely the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Three black lines across Zhou Yuanxi's forehead, what kind of stupid theory is Zhou Tangtang talking about.

Zhou Yuanxi didn't answer, but reached out and snatched the swimsuit from Zhou Tangtang's hand: "This swimsuit has been eliminated."


Zhou Tangtang immediately wanted to grab the swimsuit back anxiously.

The swimsuit she recommended for a long time was suddenly eliminated, of course she was dissatisfied.

However, when Zhou Tangtang wanted to snatch the swimsuit back from Zhou Yuanxi's hands, Zhou Yuanxi raised the hand holding the swimsuit high and did not give Zhou Tangtang any chance to get the swimsuit.

"Zhou Yuanxi, you are too unreasonable, return the swimsuit to me quickly, give it to me quickly!"

"Zhou Yuanxi, you are an idiot."

"Ah, ah, give it back to me quickly!"

Zhou Tangtang yelled for a long time, but did not get any response from Zhou Yuanxi, and could only watch Zhou Yuanxi prepare to take the swimsuit.

"It's okay if I don't introduce it to others, I want to wear it myself!"

In order not to let Zhou Yuanxi take that swimsuit away, Zhou Tangtang hurriedly yelled at him.


Zhou Yuanxi naturally couldn't allow his sister to dress like this, he couldn't bear it.

However, he didn't notice when someone came behind him and took the swimsuit away from him.

This person is Han Yichen.

"Han Yichen, you..." Zhou Yuanxi looked a little angry.

Isn't it rude for him to snatch the swimsuit from his hand like this?

"Brother, Tangtang will wear this swimsuit in the future." Han Yichen said with a polite smile.

Such a beautiful swimsuit cannot be taken away by Zhou Yuanxi.

Zhou Yuanxi glared at him: "If you dare to let Tangtang wear it, I will destroy you."

"Brother, everyone is waiting for you outside." Han Yichen didn't answer Zhou Yuanxi's words, but just reminded him.

Xia Linlin chose a relatively ordinary swimsuit by herself, told them and went to change into the swimsuit.

Zhou Yuanxi also left, but when he left, he still looked at Han Yichen with warning eyes, of course he was still reminding him.

In the end, he left anyway.

Zhou Tangtang breathed a sigh of relief, it's okay, her swimsuit was not confiscated, she was really scared to death just now.

Zhou Tangtang quickly ran up to Han Yichen, and when she saw him, she kept praising him: "Han Yichen, you are so wonderful, you are the best for me, and you kept my swimsuit, hahahaha."

Zhou Tangtang happily wanted to take her swimsuit from Han Yichen's hand.

But who would have thought that Han Yichen actually made a look similar to that of Zhou Yuanxi just now, holding up the swimsuit high.

(End of this chapter)

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