The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 2064 Unswervingly stand by our side

Chapter 2064 Unswervingly stand by our side
As soon as Zhou Tangtang said this, Bai Xiaoyan, Lan Guo and Zheng Jiamei all blushed.

After all, they hadn't been thick-skinned enough to discuss kissing with their boyfriends before.

It would be embarrassing to mention it now.

Sun Ya looked as if she had seen it thoroughly, waved her hands and said to the girls: "Oh, you are just too young, you won't be so shy after you do this kind of thing a lot."

Of course she was here.

After all, I have two children.

However, the more she said that, the more shy these girls actually became.

After all, they haven't reached that point yet.

"I think we should unite and find a way to torture the boys now, and stop hurting each other." Bai Xiaoyan quickly suggested.

At least it's right to pass this hurdle first.

"Yes, yes, I agree." Charlene quickly agreed.

Anyway, don't mention those things anymore.

She was so shy that she wanted to find a hole to get in, okay?

So, these girls finally got back to the topic, and they began to seriously discuss what to do when they came to pick up the bride.

As the commander-in-chief, Bai Xiaoyan began to seriously plan: "At that time, Xia Linlin and I will go outside to stop them and make things difficult for them, and let them pass three checkpoints before they can come here, and then you will check inside."

It was because she knew that Zheng Jiamei would be embarrassed, so Bai Xiaoyan would not leave it to Zheng Jiamei to go outside, but let herself go with Xia Linlin.

As for Lan Guo, he will help Zheng Jiamei in the room.

Such distribution is the best.

"Then where do we hide our wedding shoes?" Lan Guo asked a very important question.

When picking up the bride, you must find wedding shoes to help the bride put on, so that you can take the bride away.

And after hiding the wedding shoes, they can take the opportunity to blackmail Han Yichen and let him bring out more red envelopes.

"Yeah, where do you put it?"

Bai Xiaoyan responded, and began to look for the most suitable position.

Xia Linlin and Zheng Jiamei also started looking around.

They are likely to turn over in various places, which is really difficult to handle.

"Come on, I have a solution."

Zhou Tangtang waved to them at this moment, signaling them to come over quickly, the bride has to help them figure out a solution.

Several people quickly approached her and listened carefully.

"Give me the wedding shoes and put them under my skirt, no one will find them." Zhou Tangtang quickly pointed to the hem of her wedding dress.

She felt her idea was perfect.

"But what if they guess it?" Bai Xiaoyan asked.

After all, many people will hide it like this, and they will basically think of it soon.

Zhou Tangtang smiled: "Then just refuse to admit it. None of them would dare to lift my skirt. Han Yichen will never allow it."

Zhou Tangtang is absolutely sure of this.

Since no one could lift Zhou Tangtang's skirt, it proved that no matter what, even if they guessed it, it was useless.

Then they can say anything.

Bai Xiaoyan couldn't bear her admiration, and gave Zhou Tangtang a thumbs up: "Tangtang, you are really amazing, I must give you full marks for your clumsy way!"

Bai Xiaoyan felt sorry for Zhou Tangtang if she lost even one point.

Afterwards, Bai Xiaoyan reached out and patted Zhou Tangtang's shoulder: "But you must stand firmly by our side."

(End of this chapter)

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