The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 2140 Enlighten Blue Fruit

Chapter 2140 Enlighten Blue Fruit

"It's really amazing." Bai Xiaoyan couldn't help but said.

His eyes also looked enviously at Zhou Tangtang's stomach.

In fact, she also likes children very much, and wants to have a baby of her own.

If she has children in the future, she will definitely not treat her like her parents. Whether it is a boy or a girl, she will definitely take good care of them and give them all her love.

"Tangtang, you really scared us to death yesterday. At that time, we really thought that something happened to you. We found out later that you were pregnant. Miyazawa and I are very happy for you." Lan Guo Said quickly.

"By the way, speaking of Miyazawa, why didn't I see him come with you?" Zhou Tangtang found that the rest of them had arrived, and it seemed that Miyazawa was the only one missing.

"He went to participate in the recording of the show, and he went to the airport to board the plane as soon as your concert was over." Lan Guo seemed a little helpless.

In fact, she also hopes that Miyazawa can be by her side more to accompany her, but he is really busy and has various schedules to run.

Lan Guo knew very well from the time she was with him that Miyazawa is the world's top star, and his schedule is naturally too much to explode, she should understand.

But after a long time, she still has some complaints in her heart.

"Languo, next time you tell him directly, let him take a little less time to spend more time with you, his boyfriend is too incompetent!" Zhou Tangtang couldn't help arguing for Languo. up.

If Miyazawa is always so busy, what will happen to Lan Guo.

"It's okay, I understand him." Lan Guo quickly shook his head and said with a smile.

Even so, she was still speaking for Miyazawa.

Just because she is the one who deeply likes Miyazawa, this will never change.

"You, don't always act so generous. He is your boyfriend now, not your idol. You can make demands on him. Otherwise, you can continue to be his fan. Why do you want to?" How about being his girlfriend?" Bai Xiaoyan patted Lan Guo on the shoulder, guiding her like a master.

Although Bai Xiaoyan's inscrutable appearance was a little too much, but Zhou Tangtang agreed with what she said.

After all, Miyazawa is her boyfriend now, and he is not an idol who can only watch from afar. What if he always has no time to spend with his girlfriend?

"Languo, I think you care too much about Miyazawa's feelings but forget your own. If you always keep quiet and act generous, he will think you really don't care, so he won't let go too much." In the heart." Zhou Tangtang also joined the ranks of enlightening Lan Guo.

"Sometimes you should tell Miyazawa what you think in your heart. Only when you tell him, he knows, so that you can understand each other better and understand each other's position in your heart."

Zhou Tangtang told Lan Guo these words in a serious manner.

In fact, everyone can see that when Lan Guo fell in love with Miyazawa, she put her attitude too low, and never raised her own demands with Miyazawa for fear that she would make him unhappy.

But this kind of relationship is actually not good for them. No relationship is one-way giving. All relationships are based on mutual understanding and consideration. If you keep hiding your thoughts, it will only make you I live in pain.

(End of this chapter)

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