The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 2163 Small report with husband

Chapter 2163 Small report with husband
The difference between the chicken soup made by Sun Ya and the chicken soup made in the kitchen is that.

Sun Ya's chicken soup, although nourishing, is extremely unpalatable.

The chicken soup made in this kitchen is delicious and nourishing.

Under these two choices, Zhou Tangtang really felt that there was no need to choose the chicken soup made by Sun Ya, and of course he chose the kitchen one without hesitation.

But, Sun Ya always likes to use the chicken soup to make her presence felt, Zhou Tangtang really has nothing to do.

"It's good that the kitchen did it." Han Yichen was relieved now.

"I'll help you down."

Zhou Tangtang was very attentive and brought a bowl over to help Han Yichen fill a bowl.

And of course I kept a bowl for myself.

Such delicious chicken soup, of course, has her share, so they can drink it together.


"Yeah." Han Yichen looked at Zhou Tangtang's childish behavior with amused expression, but still catered to her behavior.

She was about to become a mother, and she ended up acting like a child.

After drinking the chicken soup, Zhou Tangtang suddenly thought of an uncomfortable thing, and felt that he had to report it to his husband: "Husband, let me tell you something very sad."

"whats the matter?"

Han Yichen looked up at her, worried that something had happened.

Zhou Tangtang said pitifully: "Yesterday, in order to prevent my mother from forcing me to continue drinking chicken soup, I took all the pocket money you gave me to honor my mother. I don't use any of my pocket money. !"

This thing is really sad.

She didn't have anything to say. After she didn't see her husband, she immediately made a small report.

"Then I'll give you another one."

Without hesitation, Han Yichen wrote a check and handed it to Zhou Tangtang.

Anyway, when his wife asked for money, he definitely gave it without blinking an eye.

I don't feel bad at all.

"Wow, my husband is the best." Zhou Tangtang happily held the check, her little coffers finally had money again.

Han Yichen smiled and listened to Zhou Tangtang's pleasant praise for getting the pocket money.

I just like hearing her brag about herself.

Everything sounds great.

"Honey, how are you doing now? Are you better? Can you go home tonight?" Zhou Tangtang looked at Han Yichen expectantly.

She had been seriously looking forward to Han Yichen's return home early, so she had to ask about this matter now.

"I'm afraid it won't work tonight." Han Yichen said apologetically.

He also wanted to go home immediately, but the current situation did not allow it.

There was no way he could.

"Ah...then when will it be?" Zhou Tangtang pouted Lao Gao, looking very unhappy.

"Tomorrow, you can go back tomorrow." Han Yichen replied.

"Well, then tomorrow, you must come back tomorrow."

With the exact time, she felt more at ease.

She just needs to stay at home and wait for Han Yichen to come back.

"Okay, we must go back."

Zhou Tangtang stayed in the company and had a conversation with Han Yichen.

But not long after, Han's mother called directly.

Apparently, they were still found.

"Well...Mom, I just stopped by to take a look at Han Yichen, and I didn't say a few words, I didn't kiss..." Zhou Tangtang was really about to collapse.

Mother Han actually kept asking about these private topics.

Of course, Zhou Tangtang also understood that Mother Han was just worried about her.

(End of this chapter)

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