The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 2220 The tenderness of the world

Chapter 2220 The tenderness of the world

"Let's shoot, shoot first."

The director decided to take a look at the shooting scene first.

Both Miyazawa and Lan Guo have reached their proper positions.

When Lan Guo came back after changing clothes, Miyazawa had already told Lan Guo the ins and outs of this clip.

In addition, she has also seen Miyazawa and the heroine acted in this scene, and she knows roughly what to do here.

Lan Guo was lying in Miyazawa's arms, and the director was making the final adjustments before shooting started.

Lan Guo whispered to Miyazawa: "Miyazawa, I'm really a little nervous to film a kissing scene in front of so many people..."

This is her first screen kiss.

After all, she had never done a scene like this before.

However, giving Miyazawa my first kiss in life and my first screen kiss was definitely the happiest thing in the world.

"It's okay, just close your eyes in a while and let me come."

It's a bit ridiculous to say this.

"Okay, all departments are ready!"

Amidst the director's roar, Lan Guo adjusted his posture again, making the final preparations before shooting started.

"Start shooting!"

After the director gave an order, Lan Guo quickly closed his eyes.

With so many people watching, she was so nervous that she probably saw Lan Guo's nervousness. Miyazawa grabbed Lan Guo's hand with his other hand, clasped his fingers tightly, and then kissed her lips.

A soft and lingering kiss, exhausting the tenderness of the world.

Looking at the picture on the monitor, the director couldn't help sighing repeatedly: "It's great, that's how it feels, very good, very good."

"It's this kind of tenderness after a great sorrow, that's it, it's so good, it's so special!"


The director just kept boasting, he couldn't find a better word besides good.

Anyway, it’s just one word, good!


After the director called out, Miyazawa reluctantly left Lan Guo's lips.

In fact, I haven't kissed enough yet, if there are a few more minutes, he is also willing.

Lan Guo shyly buried her face in Miyazawa's arms, it was really embarrassing.

Miyazawa joked with the director with a smile: "Director, is the acting not good enough? We can do it again."

The director made a disgusted expression: "Come on, if you want to kiss, go back and kiss. Really, have you considered other people's feelings when you spread dog food here?"

The director's words immediately attracted the approval of the surrounding staff: "That's right, the director is right!"

"Sprinkling dog food on the set every day, we are all full."


"It's so sweet."

"I don't want to watch it, I can't watch it anymore."

Although the group of people were all complaining in their tone, in fact, their tone was full of envy for them.

After all, it is really not easy to have someone who loves yourself and the person you love so much.

They are blessed in their hearts.

Except for one person, that is the heroine of the play. Just now, she heard the director praise Lan Guo all the time, which made her resentful towards Lan Guo deeper and deeper.

Her role was taken away by her, and she was also liked by the director so much.

It really made her hate this woman.

"The filming is over, Lan Guo, you can change your outfit now."

"Okay." Hearing what the director said, Lan Guo ran to the dressing room to change.

In fact, she was quite reluctant to bear this matter, and always felt that this dress had something to do with her.

(End of this chapter)

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