The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 2230 Food and Grass for the Crew

Chapter 2230 Food and Grass for the Crew

The little assistant looked at Lan Guo's appearance of a bandit leader about to show off, and expressed that he was in a panic.

She reminded in a low voice: "Lan Guo, there is no setting of bandits in our drama."

They are an ancient play, so the little assistant thought that Lan Guo was acting in a part of the play.

Lan Guo originally wanted to enhance the atmosphere, but because of the little assistant's words, he had no interest in continuing, and could only explain: "Oh, I'm just kidding, I ordered takeaway for everyone, fried chicken legs and You don't want to drink, do you?"

"Fried chicken legs? Drinks?" When the little assistant heard these two words, his eyes lit up with green light. To be able to eat such things in such a remote place as the crew, is simply delicious in the world, okay?
"Yes, yes, do you want to eat?"

"Think about it!"

The little assistant nodded vigorously every time he said a thought word, in order to express his expectation for fried chicken and drinks.

"Let's go."

"it is good."

Because of the temptation of fried chicken and drinks, the little assistant has basically lost himself, completely obeying Lan Guo's arrangement, and followed her behind her, and followed her to the entrance of the set to get takeaway.

Lan Guo spent a lot of money to order the takeaway this time. When the takeaway was delivered to them, it was all in a van. The takeaway boy sat in the driver's seat and looked towards the film and television city: "Oh my god, it's really a filming place. I just searched outside for a long time, and finally found you here."

He continued to look inside seriously: "Are you working here? If you work here, can you meet celebrities?"

He kept asking questions, as if he was full of curiosity about the place where the filming took place.

"Okay." Lan Guo nodded.

She was still wearing a mask on her face, so the delivery guy didn't recognize her immediately.

She glanced at the takeaways packed in the back of the van. The amount was astonishing. It also made her realize that she had absolutely no money. The rations for these 130 people were really not ordinary. It is impossible to move, so we must find a way.

This delivery boy became the target of Lan Guo.

"This is the filming location of 'Misty Rain Tower'. There is Miyazawa inside. Can you please help us get it in together? Then we can ask Miyazawa to sign it for you." Lan Guo said.

Thinking that Miyazawa used this trick to save the siege last night, Lan Guo felt that this trick should be particularly useful, so he should use it at this time.

"Wow, Miyazawa, big star!"

Sure enough, after hearing Lan Guo's words, the takeaway boy's eyes lit up and he suddenly had expectations.

"Yes, yes, can you help us?"


Sure enough, with the temptation of Miyazawa's signature, the delivery boy became extremely active, nodded his head and agreed without saying anything, and even ran down from the cab to help them move.

"Brother, thank you." Lan Guo said and asked the little assistant to move with him.

Because the order of Languo is too large, even if it is the three of them, it is estimated that they will have to move two or three times.

The three of them entered the set after carrying the takeaway.

At this moment, the crew had just finished filming a scene and were about to take a break when everyone suddenly smelled the aroma of fried chicken.

(End of this chapter)

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