The Devil's Arrival: Sweetheart's Addiction

Chapter 2235 If something happens to her, I will never end with you

Chapter 2235 If something happens to her, I will never end with you

Although there are no people in this place, it is not far from the studio.

On the set, Miyazawa was still filming the rival scene with the minister, when he suddenly heard shouts from their side.

When he was still in the role, he immediately made a scene: "Director, it seems that something happened, should we go and see?"

In fact, he didn't know what it was because he heard Lan Guo's voice, but he was very worried about her, so he just wanted to find her quickly.

"Really, we are filming here, it will really cause trouble for us, why are you yelling! You guys go and have a look, tell them to calm down quickly and stop making noise, if this affects our filming progress , who is responsible!" The director's tone was full of anger.

They were filming well here, but they were suddenly interrupted, and everyone would feel angry if they were replaced.

"Director, I'll go take a look too."

After Miyazawa finished speaking, he quickly ran towards the direction of the voice without waiting for the director to agree.

Soon, the place where Lu Qingyi and Lan Guo's incident happened was full of people.

Originally, everyone thought it was some trivial matter, but they didn't expect to see blood all over the place as soon as they rushed over.

Lu Qingyi yelled loudly: "Help, Lan Guo is going to kill me, I'm going to die! Help!"

Lan Guo was so frightened that her face turned pale. At this moment, she could only helplessly repeat a sentence: "It's not me, I didn't, I didn't do it on purpose..."

"It's you, help!"

Lu Qingyi's manager rushed to the scene first, and after seeing the situation at the scene, he quickly ran towards Lu Qingyi, pushed Lan Guo aside and cursed: "What are you doing? Do you really want to kill someone? If something really happens to Lu Qingyi, I'll never end with you!"

"What are you still looking at, hurry up and call an ambulance, 120! Hurry up!"

After Lan Guo was pushed away by Lu Qingyi's manager, she fell backwards, but fortunately, Miyazawa hugged her even though she appeared.

"I'll call an ambulance right away." Miyazawa said with one arm around Lan Guo, and with the other hand, he quickly took out his mobile phone and called an ambulance.

Lu Qingyi's condition seemed to be extremely serious, and it might be better to send her to the hospital as soon as possible.

After the phone call, the director and the assistant director rushed over after hearing about the incident. They were shocked by the extremely embarrassing scene, and then quickly dealt with it.

First, let the medical team of the crew help Lu Qingyi stop the bleeding. The crew is also responsible for the artist's life safety when he is on the crew, which also affects them.

Lan Guo saw that everyone in front of her was busy with Lu Qingyi's affairs, she blamed herself extremely, and could only keep repeating: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

She really didn't mean it.

She had no idea that things would turn out like this.

The director complained annoyedly: "We are about to finish filming, why did such a thing suddenly happen at this juncture? Isn't this intentional to make people feel bad? Do we still want to film this matter? When we arrived How do you explain it to the producer?"

Although the director didn't mention who was at fault by name, Lan Guo knew that it was all because of him.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it, I didn't expect it to be like this..."

Lan Guo's eyes were red from crying, she was so wronged that she could only apologize.

(End of this chapter)

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