Chapter 229 Who Did It?

The next day, after Han Yichen came to the classroom, he received a call.

It was from the man he sent to investigate yesterday.

It seems that there is news.

He quickly picked up the phone, "Hello."

"Master Han, the girls who kidnapped Zhou Tangtang yesterday have all been found."

"Bring it to me."

"it is good."

Just as Han Yichen was about to hang up the phone, he heard the person on the other end of the phone hesitate to say something, "Master Han, that..."

Han Yichen's handsome eyebrows were slightly frowned, and he seemed a little impatient: "I still want to say something, hurry up."

All he wanted to do now was to quickly find out those people and give them a good lesson.

"While investigating this matter, it seems that other people are also investigating."

"Others? Who?" Han Yichen's eyes moved.

"Master Mu, Mu Jue."

"Okay, I see, bring the man."

Han Yichen answered and hung up the phone.

It's just that his face is much gloomy at this moment, obviously because of Mu Jue.

His appearance at the beginning seemed to be purposeful, and he also seemed to be eyeing Zhou Tangtang.

This made him feel a sense of crisis.

He temporarily put Mu Jue's affairs aside, went to Zhou Tangtang's classroom and took her away.

"What are you taking me for?"

After Zhou Tangtang was taken away by Han Yichen, she still didn't understand what happened.

He was called away for no reason.

"Just come with me."

Han Yichen brought Zhou Tangtang to a chemistry classroom in the school where few people passed by.

After entering the door, Zhou Tangtang was a little dumbfounded.

I saw a row of bodyguards standing neatly inside, and a few girls kneeling in the middle.

After seeing the appearance of those girls clearly, he pointed at them and said, "It's you!"

How could she not know these people.

It was the girls who caught her to the grove yesterday without saying anything, and then tied her to a tree.

But at this moment, they were tied hands and feet, unable to stand up at all, and the arrogance on their faces was gone, only hesitation and fear.

Reverse from yesterday.

After all, they are all girls, surrounded by so many tall, burly bodyguards with expressionless faces, they just feel scared for a while.

After seeing Zhou Tangtang, she instantly understood why they were tied here.

"Sorry, we really don't know your identity, we didn't mean to."

"Yes, yes, we don't know you at all. Someone instructed us to do that."

"Leave us alone, we are the ones who don't know Mount Tai."

At this moment, they don't care about anything, they just want them to let them go quickly.

Zhou Tangtang originally thought that this matter would be a very troublesome matter, thinking that they would be like the show on TV, and they would never reveal who was behind the scenes.

Unexpectedly, with this opening, he directly wanted to shirk his responsibility.

It seems that the person this person is looking for is very unreliable.

"Okay, as long as you tell me, I can let you go." Han Yichen said indifferently.

"It's Lin Zhenya."

"Yes, yes, she is the one who found us."

"She said that as long as we did what she said, she would give us 1000 yuan each."

These people are not students of Diluo College, they are gangsters in society.

So this 1000 yuan is indeed quite a lot for them, and they are willing to take risks for it.

Hearing that Tangtang is just an ordinary student this week, they are naturally very courageous.

But who knew that Han Yichen would be provoked, they were immediately scared.

 Thank you [by, friend] for your reward, what a treat!

  For tomorrow's update, sprint for 1500 recommendation tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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